Have you looked in the mirror lately? Here's why you need to more often

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of going to the Chi Spa at the Shangri-la Hotel here in Vancouver. I got to spend the day with my mom and sister, blissed out and relaxed.
The experience was amazing.  The spa is beautiful and the service was impeccable.  The receptionist even noticed we all had different addresses, and realized this must be a special occasion (it was!).  To help us celebrate, she surprised us with a delicious chocolate cake and bottle of champagne – on the house!  Now THAT is customer service.  And if you’re ever in Vancouver, I highly recommend Chi Spa.
If you can believe it, the experience goes beyond champagne and chocolate cake.
I want to tell you the biggest thing I got out of my day at the spa (beyond relaxation, quality time with family, bliss, champs and cake).
For the spa day, I booked myself a facial.  And I went into my facial frustrated with my skin.

To be honest, lately my skin has been acting up.  I’ve had more zits than usual.

And as I’m now in my 30’s, to me, I see more and more fine lines.  How the heck am I supposed to deal with acne AND lines?! 

Needless to say, I was annoyed with my skin.
Almost immediately, my facialist started stroking my skin.  She gently touched my skin and told me “your skin is so beautiful!”
I looked at her like she was blind.
“What?  My skin? No. No.  My skin is awful.  I have acne. Sun damageFine lines. Wrinkles.  Look – see this here?  Not beautiful.”
She looked at me like I was crazy.

And she said something incredibly profound.


She asked me “how do you expect your skin to be more beautiful if that’s what you say to it?” 

Insert mic drop here. 

Uhh… that was a freakin’ good question.
How could I expect my skin to be beautiful and happy if I treated my skin like it was disgusting and embarrassing?
Through-out my facial, she gave my skin a lot of hands-on attention and love.  At one point, she even said "I love you" to my skin.
Initially this might sound silly.  Maybe weird.   
But it felt amazing.  I could literally feel my skin glowing in her hands.  And it was about way more than just the product.
In my facial I was reminded of one of life’s truest rulesWe get back what we put into the world.  
When we tell our skin we hate it, it hates us back.
When we tell ourselves we aren't good enough, we will never be good enough. And then we wonder why we lack motivation, passion and inspiration.
When we tell ourselves we aren’t smart enough, our brain starts turning off.  We don’t learn as effectively.  We can’t possibly grow as much as we deserve to.
I haven't even realized how awful the things I was saying to myself were.  Sometimes it takes a mirror (real or literal) to see our true selves.
This is your mirror. 
I know I’m not the only one who’s hard on myself.  I’m not the only one whoforgets to give self-love.  I’m not the only one who has wonderful words for all those around me… and none for myself. 

This is your wakeup!
I challenge you to listen deep to yourself. Listen to what you are telling yourself and what messages you are giving your amazing self.
Keep your words loving.  Keep your words kind.  Keep your words uplifting.
Start telling yourself:
I am smart
I am beautiful
I am worthy
I got this
I can totally do this
I'm gonna crush this

I'm a goal-getter
I'm unlocking my potential! 

This week, say these mantras every day.  Add to themMake them your own. Say what it is you know to be true about yourself (the really, really good stuff you know makes you incredible).

Say these mantras in the morning.  Before a tough meeting.  At bedtime.  Whenever works for you.  And don't forget them. 
Set a reminder in your calendar for each evening.  Set an alarm for lunch time mantras.  Put a post-it note on your mirror to see each morning. 
Just do it.  Every day.  However works for you. 
Because you are beautiful.   Amazing.  Worthy.   Smart.  And just like this challenge, whatever comes your way, I know, you got this.

Positive in.  Positive out.
 - Lisa
Success Coach
PS.  Thank you so much for checking out my blog and reading along.  I’ve got a lot more great content coming your way so I’m super glad and grateful you’re still here!
And don’t forget, the GoalDen Girls 2017 Group Program Early Bird Price expires at midnight (PST) tonight!   If you’re on the fence and considering joining, this is your chance to get in early and save $500 off the price!  You’re totally worth full-price, but I know you’re savvy and who appreciate an amazing deal (this definitely is one!).

Don’t hesitate any longer!   We’ve got an incredible group of women ready for you to join us!  I’m humbled by the calibre of women we’ve got – and you’ll fit right in!

If you’re ready to make 2017 your year, GoalDen Girls is THE program for you!

See you soon, GoalDen Girl!



You're too nice. Yes, I'm talking to you.

Can you believe Christmas is a little over a month away?  As I write this, I have my Mariah Carey and Michael Buble favourites playing in the background. And yes,"baby, it's cold outside!"

Last weekend, my family came to visit me in Vancouver.  My parents came from Vancouver Island and my sister came from Edmonton.  This was the first time the four of us had been together in over two years (it’s crazy how fast time flies!).

It was lovely to be together again as a family and catch up on all that had changed(homes, cities, retirements, jobs, interests, experiences).  And all that has stayed the same (our collective enjoyment of pizza, my dad’s picky eating habits, our love for spas and time together).
One evening while my parents were in town, we went to one of the best restaurants in Vancouver.  It was a Friday night, and it was busy.
Next to us was a table of 20 women at a bachelorette party. 
If you’ve ever been to a bachelorette party, you know they’re loud. 
If you’ve ever been to a bachelorette party with me, you know I’m loud. 
If you were at my bachelorette party, you know we were loud.
I totally get that when 20+ people get together, and there’s excitement (and perhaps adult libations) involved, noise levels elevate.  I understand and I have been on the “giving” side of that noise.
For this bachelorette party, to add insult to injury, the space the group was in made their sound echo through-out the rest of the restaurant.
From the moment we arrived, I could barely hear what my parents were saying across the table.  We were literally yelling to discuss what appetizers we should order.

I could tell we were all uncomfortable.  My heart started racing.  My throat was already strained and we hadn’t even ordered a single bite to eat.  The noise was ruining our experience at this wonderful (and expensive) restaurant.
I asked my parents if they’d like to move and they said “no it’s ok.”   I could tell they didn’t want to complain.  My parents are extremely kind and nice people. I knew they felt bad asking.
But I’m not one to settle. And I wanted them to enjoy their evening.  I figured it was worth a try.
When the waiter came around to take our drink orders, I asked if we could move tables. 

Within two minutes, he found us a new table and carried all our beverages to our new location.   

In our new setting, immediately I could feel my heart beat slow. I was way more relaxed, comfortable and could breath easy.   I could tell my family felt the exact same. In fact, within the first two minutes everyone said “this is soooo much better!”
We didn’t have to yell anymore.  We could enjoy each other’s company.  We could hear ourselves think.
And all it took was asking a simple question. 
The restaurant was happy to accommodate and keep us comfortable.  The waiter was extremely understanding – and he was relieved he wouldn’t have to shout at us.  The bachelorette table was free to continue laughing, celebrating and enjoying their evening.
We ended up having an incredible dinner.  The food was delicious.  We built a great rapport with our waiter.  We spent a lot of the night just being together, and catching up on each other’s lives.
This would not have been possible if we had not asked to move tables away from the noise. 
This story is about my dinner with family.  But it’s also exactly what happens in our lifeway (way!) too often.

Too often, we want to be nice. 

Too often, we settle.  
Have you ever found yourself settling?
This week, I want you to think about where in your life you are settling.  Where in your life you’re being too nice.  And stop settling. 

It could be something big or something small.  Or it could be a moment that comes up this week where you can choose not to settle. I want you to choose to make the moment what you need it to be.
If you’re not sure if you’re being too nice and settling, watch for these common thoughts and feelings:
“I don’t want to rock the boat.”
             (I don’t want to be that table).
“I’m not sure what else I could even do.  I have to accept it.”
            (There’s nothing I can do. I can’t make that table leave. I can’t tell them to stop being so loud. I can’t change the way the restaurant is shaped).
“It’s not that bad. “
            (It’s only two hours of my life. I can handle the piercing screams, elevated heart rate and throbbing headache).
“I’m not sure anything different is possible.”
            (It’s Friday night. There probably isn’t even another free table). 
“I want to be a “good” person.  I’m “nice.”   I want to be patient.”
            (Who do I think I am, asking the world to cater to me?!  I don’t want to make the staff work harder or have to do extra work because of me.)
Any of these thoughts sound familiar?
If yes, you’re being too nice.  And you’re settling.
Sure nice, patient, good is, well, fine. 
Maybe you’re telling yourself that some suffering, struggling, sacrifice is normal. It’s the price to pay. 
Sometimes, this is true.  
But not when it comes to what you really want in your life.  Or when it comes to making big life decisions.    Being miserable isn’t “the way it is”.  
You might think you’re managing the discomfort.  You’re handling it.   
And you’re tough.  You probably are.
But it’s hard to be truly present or joyful when there’s discomfort in your life.  Or a massive challenge.  Or disengagement.
Life isn’t about being “nice.”  It’s not about settling.  And you deserve more than to be just a “nice person.” 
Don’t just manage.  Don’t just settle.  Don’t always be nice.  Don’t just “get by”. 
You are worth more.  

Here's what you need to do:

1)  Find out where in your life you’re being too nice and settling.  It could be always putting others ahead of you.  It might be that you’re settling for less than.  It could be accepting the mediocre.  It might be settling for flat-out awful. 

  • Ask yourself what’s SO juicy and enticing that it makes you want to jump out of bed (without caffine, on a cold cold day)?   And how often are you doing it? 

 If that answer isn’t at least a few times a week, you’re settling.

  • What is your soul yearning for?  Listen to the answer. 

2)  Now you know where you’re being too nice. You get to decide how you will claim what you most need and want.
Perhaps the solution is an easy question or conversation. Often it is. 
Probably, there’s something you need to make time and space for in your life.
Possibly, you’ll have to say “no” to someone or something you are settling for so you can say the real “yes” for you.
3)  Remember this message:  You may find yourself already resisting the thought of not being “nice”.  You’re already talking yourself out of having the conversation. Or out of making a change. That’s totally normal.
Sometimes, our mind asks us “who are you?  How dare you say you want more, or to be better, or to be different?  Who do you think you are?”
I can’t say it any better than this beautiful quote from Marianne Williamson, so I’ll let her say it:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
I want you to chase what it is in your life that makes you feel amazing.
Chase what sets you and your life on fire.

Chase what makes your light shine. 

Chase what energizes you. 
That’s how you change your life.  And how you change the world.
You live your best life when you stop settling.  You feel joy.  You have gratitude.  You have meaning and purpose.
When you stop settling you, you live your most alive life. 

Stop being so nice.  

Go chase and shine your light!


 - Lisa
Success Coach

PS.  There’s only one week left to save $500 (!!!) with the early bird price for GoalDen Girls, THE group program for the woman ready to make 2017 her year.  
If you’ve got dreams and goals to chase, this 4-month program is for you.
Together, we’ll set the right New Year’s Resolutions for you.  You’ll get clear on what it is you want to accomplish in 2017
You’ll get support and accountability all along the way.  Get ready for as many tools, tips, tricks and resources as I can cram into 4 months. 
And you’ll get inspiration and motivation to keep going, even if times get tough.  Join our inspiring GoalDen Girls community and get ready to celebrate and make 2017 your year together!

This is the best price I'll ever offer for this program (it works out to about $125 a month, less than the price of a coffee a day). Don't let yourself settle any longer.  It's possible for you to have everything you want - and you can get it!
Don’t forget, as an extra bonus for the brave, the next few people to sign up for GoalDen Girls will get a complimentary 60-minute coaching session with me (value over $200!). 
For more information, check out GoalDen Girls 2017 and feel free to hit “reply” if you have any questions. 

You were made to crush your dreams!

5 reasons you haven't achieved your New Year's Resolutions. And how to change that.

I know how it starts.  You set goals with great intentions.  You create New Year’s Resolutions and hope that this year will be different. 
But, let’s be honest - somewhere between January 1st and... well, today, you've run out of time.  

Often, those goals you set, those resolutions, those wonderful intentions fail.  They don’t come to fruition. 

It's ok.  It’s not just you.  It’s why a lot of people just plain give up on setting goals and new year’s resolutions. 
But, giving up isn’t the answer. 
If you're reading this, you're probably not one to bow out when the go-ing gets tough. Or when you might have “failed” at something.
Nope. Now’s the time to work a little harder.  The time to work a lot smarter.   
Here’s why you haven’t yet achieved goals you’ve set for yourself… and what to do about it.

1)  Your goals don’t matter to you.

Sometimes we set goals because everyone else is doing it.  Or we set goals we think we “should” be setting.  Are you sure you really want that promotion?  Or do you want a job where you feel valued and appreciated?   Is a house and white-picket fence really how you want to spend your money?  Or would you be happier starting a business and traveling the world?  
What do to about it:  Scratch the goals that don’t matter.  With less than two months left in the year, get realistic about what you can do in about 6 weeks.  Unless you seriously plan on working like a madperson over Christmas. Then you’re allowed 7 weeks.
To rock 2017:  Start reflecting on what you really, really want in your life.  Create a list today.  What’s important to you?  What would you want in your life if you could have anything (because you can!)?  

2) You haven’t prioritized.

I hate to sound like your mom (or mine) but life IS all about choices. To say “yes” to something new, you have to say “no” to something else.
What to do about it:  Decide what you will say “no” to in order to be able to say “hell yes” to the things that really matter (aka: your resolutions).  Maybe you need to say “no”to your 45 minutes morning Facebook scroll (something I certainly had to say no to).  Maybe you need to say “no” to volunteering to organize the Christmas Party for a third year in a row. 
To rock 2017:  Practice saying “no” this week.  Think about the big parts of your life that take a lot of time and energy and don’t give you the joy and happiness you deserve.  Before committing to anything in 2017, ask yourself if it gets you closer to your goals.  If not, hold out on committing until you’re sure you have the time to crush your goals first. 

3) You’re failing to plan, therefore planning to fail.  

Here’s the thing – if you don’t plan to make the time, it won’t happen.  Life has this funny way of happening to us if we aren’t protective about our time.  We need to be proactive to keep little time-sucks from creeping in.  I know you don’t want June to sneak up on you, and make you quit your goals until 2018.  Don't worry:  Plan and that won’t be you!  

What to do about it:  Start by envisioning where you want to be by the end of your goals. In this case, the date will be December 31st.  Now, work your way backwards.Where will you be on December 24th to meet your December 31st goal? (Hopefully eating, drinking and being merry no matter who or where you are!).  What are you doing by December 14th to make your goal come true?  What's happened by December 1st so you crush your goals?
To rock 2017:  Now that you’ve started saying “no”, start blocking out time in your calendar for next year’s goals.  Literally.   Create blocks of time in your calendar or day-planner for goal-crushing.  Depending on your goals, you’ll need anywhere from 2-4 hours a week, to 10+.  If you put it in nowit’ll be a lot easier to continue prioritizing your goals through the year.

4) You haven’t changed your mindsets. Or habits. 

You have to believe you can change. Your mindset has to know it's possible (hint: if it's possible in the world, it's possible for you).  On top of mindset, you have to be willing to change your habits.  Whether it's implementing a habit of exercising regularly, or a habit of saving a percentage of your paycheque before Friday night hits, our habits are what make or break us. 
What to do about it:  Identify any mindsets and standards that are holding you back.  Do you believe you are a smoker?  Do you believe you aren’t a runner?  Isyour standard always just “paying your bills”?  Guess what – you live and become who you believe you are. It’s time to change your mindset about who you are and raise your standard of what you’re willing to accept in your life.  Whether it’s a phrase you say to yourself in the mirror every morning, a mantra you record for yourself, or a sign you put up in your office – change your mindset and you will change your life.
To rock 2017:  Make a change this week.  Don’t wait until the new year.  By starting with a small step today, you’ll be in a much better position by January 1st.   As Jim Rohn says, “you cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.”  Choose salad for lunch twice this week.  Start researchingstarting your business this week. Go to sleep 15 minutes earlier.  Start cultivating the habits for success today.

5) You don’t have the support and accountability you need.

We are social beings.  We do best when we have others around us.  To be successful, it’s best to have people to achieve our goals with AND those to keep us accountable.   You’re about 5% likely to do something if you tell yourself you will.  By telling someone else, you’re about 80% likely.  That’s a MASSIVE difference – the kind of difference that can work powerfully FOR you if you use an accountability partner.
What to do about it:  Find an accountability partner. Stat.  Whether it’s a friend, partner, mentor, coach, or boss, you need someone to share your goals and progress with.  For me, I email my partner every Monday morning with my objectives for the week.  If you’re super ambitious, I know some partnerships connect every day – once at 8am and once at 3pm to ensure they stay on track. Find something that works for you.
To rock 2017:  Join a group that fits with your goals.  Find a community and/or support network to achieve your goals together.  Look for meet-ups, put together a group of friends, or join my amazing GoalDen Girls Group Program
Do any of these mistakes sound familiar to you?
Did you nod your head as you read these?
Ya. I thought so.

This is just the beginning.  I'm so excited to announce a BRAND NEW program for you. If you're serious about making 2017 your year (and I think you are!), GoalDen Girls is THE program for you! 

In this 4-month program, you'll go from being frustrated and underachieving, to soaring with all your goals!  Along with me, and a group of inspiring, driven women, you'll work to CRUSH your goals and create the life you want. 

The GoalDen Girls Group Program is like goal-setting for dummies (except you're pretty freakin' brilliant, if I do say so myself). 

In 4-months, we'll connect through 9 Live Group Calls9 Modules and Workbooks, and an amazing Facebook community of GoalDen Girls. You'll get all the tools, tips, tricks, and resources you need to be successful with your goals.

You know support and accountability are critical - and that's what you'll get!

This program is for you if you are:

  • A modern, ambitious woman (or man!) ready to make 2017 your year.
  • Interested in creating a community to support each other. 
  • Someone who’s ever woken up in June wondering where the year has gone(and wished you'd done more!)
  • Ready to put in the work to make your resolutions come true!

If this is you, you're a DREAM GoalDen Girl and I'd love to have you join our GoalDen Girls Group Program 

I know how hard it is to make a change. In fact, our brains trick us into holding back before we make a big change (check out my video on "The Big Freeze" here).  

To support and reward the brave, the first 6 people who sign up will get a FREE one-on-one coaching session with me ($200+ value).  




If you're a go(al)-getter who's looking for some extra motivation and support, I've also created a VIP Program that includes all the amazing GoalDen Girl Program benefits AND:

  • 3 private, one hour, one-on-one coaching calls for you to use through our program.  This is your chance to get exactly extra clear on what you want and need. Together, we get deep on you and move you forward with your dream life.  
  • A bonus, surprise gift from me to jump-start your success
  • Extra VIP-only group coaching call at the 6-month mark to keep you on track
  • Direct email access to me through the program (normally reserved for my one-on-one clients only!)
  • The option to add on additional coaching sessions a la carte (something I’ve never offered before!)



I have to be honest.   Just thinking about this incredible group of women we're going to create to support each other gets me so inspired!  If you feel the same, then I know GoalDen Girls is for you!

GoalDen Girl/Guy - I'm sure we’ll accomplish a lot of amazing things together.  

I can't wait to see what you create in the world - and for yourself. 

Go get what you want, what you really, really want!

---- Lisa
Success Coach & Speaker
PS.  Don't forget, the first 6 people to sign up get a FREE one-on-one coaching session with me (valued at over $200!).   If you're waiting for something different to kick-start your goal-setting, this is it GoalDen Girls is going to make sure you keep that "I-just-set-new-years-resolutions" energy up so you can make 2017 your year! 

Will you meet me at 5 am tomorrow?

“So, how does a 5:00 am coaching session work for you?”

(Don't worry if your answer is "hell no" too.)

Today, I'm talking about boundaries.


The word is sure to elicit some emotion out of you.

Maybe you’re curious about what it might be like to have boundaries.  Maybe you’re excited because you have great boundaries.  Maybe you feel awkwardness around boundaries – how does one even set them?!  Maybe you feel claustrophobic just thinking about boundaries. 
While it’s important that our dreams, hopes, and love is unlimited, in order to be our best self, boundaries are necessary.
Lately, mine have been tested.
I had someone ask me if I could do a coaching call at 5:00 am.  
As hard as I try, I’m not a morning person.
I knew to be my best (which this person deserved), I’d have to be up at 4:00 am.  
That wasn’t going to happen.
I politely and honestly told the truth. I emailed them back and shared that to be on my A-Game, we couldn’t start at 5:00 am.  I rescheduled our call.
Two things happened:

1)  They didn’t care.  

In my head, I imagined the worst-case scenario.  I thought they’d be angry.  Had fears that they’d email me back and call me a horrible, un-dedicated coach.  I envisioned that they’d mud my name on social media, Fox News and who knows where else.  

None of that happened.  
We found another time, the same day, that we could both connect. 

And we had a beautiful coaching conversation.

2) I was able to show up as my best self.  

I got the sleep I needed.  I had my tea before our call.
I was well-rested.  Well-prepared.  And able to completely focus on the person, the human, the soul in front of me. 
Here’s the funny thing about boundaries:
Often, we’re scared to set them. 
We worry what people will think when we set them.
But really, we’re doing ourselves, and them a service. 
We demonstrate that we care about how we show up in the world.
That we care about them.
And ultimately, it gives them the same permission to set boundaries too.
Don’t be afraid to set boundaries. 
They are empowering for you – and those around you. 
Maybe the boundary you need to set is around getting home in time for dinnerwith your family.  Maybe it’s a boundary about your pricing
Maybe it’s about jokes that your colleagues make around you.  Maybe it’s a boundary around how quickly you (won’t!) reply to late night emails. 
If there’s a boundary you need to set (and let’s be honest, we all have at least one!), I want you to do it. This week.
Here’s how to set your boundaries: 
1) Be honest.  If you’re genuine and open about what’s going on for you and what’s important to you, people will appreciate and respect it. 

2) Be consistent.  Set the boundary and stick to it.  It will demonstrate you’re serious about it.  And that you know you what you want and how to get it.  

3) Be confident.  Practice saying it before you say it.  If you’re writing an email or social media post, make sure to take out any minimizing words like “just” and “possibly.”  Trust me – the world won’t fall apart because you said “no”, “no more” or “no thank you.”   
This week, I challenge you to set a boundary that you need to be your best self.  Communicate your expectations

Create the space that serves you best.  Draw the line in the sand.  (I’d make a joke about building a wall, but we’re a bit too close to the election for that).
Just to be clear, I don't expect you to meet me tomorrow morning at 5:00 am.

That is my boundary.  

You get to have yours too.   Know that your boundaries will change your life.  AND you’ll inspire those around you to have the courage to set the boundaries for themselves.


That’s exactly what creating Success on Your Terms is all about!

 - Lisa
Success Coach

PS.  Yes, setting boundaries is really as easy as
a) Being honest
b) Being consistent and
c) Being confident. 
But what if people don’t understand or are total a-holes about it?

Let’s just say they aren’t your people.  
It’s your life.
You’ll get to decide whether you want to keep them in your life or not. 
If your job isn’t respecting your boundaries, I have faith you will find one that does. 
If your partner or colleagues don’t get why you’ve said “no,” and refuse to respect it, there’s other fish in the sea.  (Yes, there still is. I’ve checked.)

A life lived in your boundaries is far more rewarding and wonderful than a life lived in someone else’s.  
Go define yours.

The intervention I needed

Do you ever dance for the purpose of getting to the grocery store?  Or with the intention to get to work?  Or to finish those tasks?
Didn’t think so.
When’s the last time you danced to achieve a goal
(And I’m not talking about dancing on the way to work because you’re so excited to get there… or dancing on the way to a fabulous concert or dinner…)
Duh.  Never.  We don’t dance with a goal.  Or with an outcome.
We dance to dance. We dance to feel joy.  Passion.  To move.  To feel amazing.  To feel free.  To feel the rhythm in our body.  And we dance to come alive.
When’s the last time you danced?  And what was it like?
When I think about dancingI smile. It’s truly one of my favourite things.  And while I do it in my belly-dance and burlesque classes, I haven’t done it, just-for-fun, in a long, long time.
But this isn’t just about dancing (although you better believe I’m infusing a little more cha-cha-cha in my morning these days).
This is about more than dancing.  
This is about focusing on the journey. And not just the destination.
I’m super guilty of this. 

I’m a huge destination seeker. (Hello, my goal was 30 countries before I turned 30!).

I’m an achiever.  It’s a strength.  And, like any strength, when there’s too much of it, it’s a weakness.

And I need an intervention.  

I often forget to be.
I’m often a human-doing, not a human-being. 
Do you know what I’m talking about?
I’m always rushing to write the next to-do list, or crush just one more item off itbefore bed.
I’m always wondering how I can make my lunch more productive.  Should I write that report, save world hunger or run a marathon while I chow down on some dumplings on my “break”?
I’m SO guilty as charged.
The last few weeks have been busy.  And next week has promise of the same.
The last few “vacations” I’ve taken, I’ve worked. And not just an hour here and there.  But I’ve worked, in many cases, full days, and then celebrated being in a fabulous location for dinner and sunsets. 
I’m grateful that this is my life. I’m grateful to travel. I’m grateful for an incredibly supportive husband who doesn’t mind.
But I’ve been so focused on the destinationI’m not always present to the journey.

For me, it's intervention time.  

My ambition is not the path to my best life because there is nothing at the end of the path. Only the memories of the steps takensights seen, and connections created.   

This week, I’m taking three (3!!) days off.  No to-do lists.  No working breakfast/lunch/dinners.  
I’m going to be.
I’m going to enjoy time with my husband.
I’m going to do what I feel like.

And I’m not sure what I’ll feel like, so truth be told, I have no idea what I’ll do.   Maybe I’ll read.  Maybe I will feel inspired to write.  Maybe I’ll yoga, swim, walk on the beach or sleep.
All that’s guaranteed is that I will be.
I will be me.
I will be present.  
If I take longer to reply this week to an email, social media post, text, or phone call, know that I appreciate your understanding. 
If I don’t make progress on my business plans this week, I have comfort knowing that there’s something more important at stake here – ME.
Whether you can take three days off, or thirty minutes, I want you to make time “to be” this week.
Maybe it’s deciding to stop multi-tasking when you walk your dogs this week. 
Maybe it’s having a bath before bed, just because you can. 
Maybe it’s waking up 10 minutes before everyone else in the house and savouring your tea in glorious peace.
Maybe it’s turning your cell phone off at your next dinner or happy hour.  And truly soaking in the presence of your date.
I invite you to be present.  To be you.  To be.

Create time this week to enjoy this precious journey we are all on.  Maybe, even take a moment to dance. 

Presently yours (and simultaneously absent from email), 
 - Lisa
Success Coach
PS.  I’m working on an exciting project for the do-er in you.  If you’re ready to make 2017 your year, this surprise is for you!  Keep your eyes in your inbox for more details in the coming weeks. But until the time comes, enjoy today and savour the moments in your journey.   Recharge, refresh and get ready to rock your goals!

80% of what you're doing doesn't matter. Here's what does matter

The time has come. 

Planning for New Year’s Eve parties has begun.

Should we plan a trip to celebrate?   Should we do a house party?  Should we rent a hotel room and watch the fireworks with friends?  Should we get tickets to a hip event? 
Oh, the options.  
Don’t get me wrong. I love a celebration.  I enjoy New Year’s as an opportunity to connect with those I love, whether it’s an intimate gathering, or a giant blow-out bash.
But there’s a more important New Year’s conversation we’re not having. 
And that’s the conversation of your 2016 New Years resolutions.
Ya. Those. 
I know you might have forgotten about them.  But I didn’t.
I get it.  Time flies.  Sometimes my year feels like a roll of toilet paper – the closer I get to the end, the faster it goes.  
Every year I feel this way.  January, February and March start out slow and intentional.  I start out feeling like I can do anything – that my year ahead is full of opportunity and possibility. 

By April, May and June, I’ve made some progress.    Then summer hits, and I take my foot off the gas petal a bit to enjoy the sunshine and time with friends.

In September, life kicks up a notch and by October, I’m wondering where the time has gone and can’t believe it’s almost Christmas. 
That’s me today. 
There are officially 70 days left in 2016. 
Do you remember the goals you set at the beginning of the year?  
With 70 days left in the year, in some ways, I almost feel like giving up on my 2016 goals.  I mean, it’s only 9 days until Halloween, and then Christmas season starts.  
Maybe this is you.  You’re thinking that between holiday parties, gift-giving and decorating, there’s little time for anything else.  You might as well kiss you goals goodbye and just settle with what you’ve accomplished so far.
70 days is enough.
70 days is 20% of the year. 
Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule?  It’s a beautiful law (the Pareto Principle) that surprisingly applies to a ton of things in our lives:
We wear 20% of our closet 80% of the time. 
We cook 20% of the recipes we know 80% of the time. 
20% of the activities you do account for 80% of your happiness.
80% of our business comes from 20% of our clients. 
80% of our success comes from 20% of our effort.
This last 20% of the year can be the difference between getting what you want.  Or not. 
So, let’s make sure you get what you want.   Refocus, reenergize and rejuvenate to rock the rest of your year. 
What were the intentions you set for 2016?
Here’s how to get what you want in the next 70 days of 2016:

  • List five things you are proud of in 2016 so far.  Be genuinely happy and recognize that you HAVE made progress.


  • Say thank you to two people who have made a difference in your life this year. Get in the spirit of gratefulness and joy.


  • Write out all the things you still have left to do in 2016.  Brain dump all the things you keep telling yourself you “should” do


  • Cross out all but three of them.  Yup. Only three get to stay.


  • Make a plan to get those three things done
    • Set your milestones – what are the big moments along the way to your goal? 
    • Get clear on the next few steps. Where will you start?  What do you need to do to get there?
    • Create a plan with timelines.  Work backwards.  If December 31st, 2016 is the day that you have accomplished those three goals, what are you doing on December 21st?  On December 1st?  November 15th?  November 1st?  
    • Track your progress AND results.  How will you know you’re making progress?  What are the results you are seeing?  Set a time weekly to track and review.


  • Find an accountability partner and share your goals.  It will keep you motivated and responsible for doing what you say you will do.  This can be a friend, spouse, teacher, boss, or – of course – a coach!


  • Get guilt-free about saying “no” to other goals until you’ve crushed the ones you’ve set.  Why guilt-free?  Because you can add them to you 2017 goals list and have a jump start on those creating resolutions!  #win-win

So in full disclosure, here’s my three priorities for the last 70 days of the year:


  • Create permission and time in my life for self-care.  Join a gym. Get a yoga punch pass (and use it).  Drink more green juice. And take 2 days off a week.   I know. I’m so #vancouver. 


  • Make an impact on 3000 high-performing men and women through a growing list and established brand.  Expand my reach so I can create a world where we don’t have to choose between work and life.   We can have it all!


  • Develop a community of ambitious go-getters who are committed to making 2017 the best year of their lives!  Serve this community powerfully and support them as they learn the tips, tricks and tools I’ve got to change their life.

Thank you for being my accountability partner.  If you need me to be that for you, I have a few last spaces in my one-on-one program that are perfect for keeping you on track.  Hit reply and we can connect for a complimentary discovery session to find out what you want to accomplish and how I’ll support to make sure you get what you want!

Remember – it’s not too late to make a difference.  Today matters.  Tomorrow matters.  Your goals and dreams matter.  

Go get them.

 - Lisa
Success Coach

PS.  For those of you in Vancouver, I’m so excited to be hosting a live event, a partnership with Vancity Business Babes.  November 9th, join us for our GoalDen Girls Morning Mingle.

Let’s be honest: goals sound easy but actually achieving them isn’t so simple.
Join me for an interactive workshop where you’ll learn about best goal-setting tricks, meet other inspiring women, and walk away with tools to help you rock 2017!
You’ll learn how to:
Overcome common mistakes you’re making when you set goals
Create a plan you’ll actually stick to
Build a strategy so you can consistently meet and blow away your own targets!
For tickets or more information, click here.   See you there Vancity Business Babes!

Why change is SO hard. And what to do about it.

Have you ever found it hard to make a change?  You really want to do something, but you just can’t get around to actually taking the first step?  You know it’s what you need but you’re frozen.



This is what I call “The Big Freeze.”



It’s a phenomenon I see happen in many people, myself included.



Have you ever thought about applying for a new job or promotion – and then talked yourself out of it – and missed the deadline?



Have you ever looked at booking a trip?  Or signing up for a half marathon? Then you talked yourself out of it.   You missed the deal. Or missed the training cut-off. 



Then, a few days later, weeks, months – you start to regret it.  We know our biggest regrets are the chances NOT taken.  You’re a heck of a lot more likely to regret what you haven’t done – than you are regret something you tried and maybe didn’t quite succeed at.



This experience is “The Big Freeze”.



For those of you who are visual learners, I created this quick little video here for you:  Check it out to find out how to get over the challenge of change.




 If you’re a reader, keep reading.


“The Big Freeze” happens before any big decision


It happens before we change something in our lives. There’s an evolutionary reason for it and it’s proven in neuroscience.


The big freeze happens because the change is new and our brains want us to stay safe - and “safe” is code for“staying the same.”



Our brains work hard to keep us safe, and in our comfort zone so we talk ourselves out of it making a change.



“I’ll never get that job.”


“I’ll sign up for that membership next New Years'.


“I don’t have the time right now.”   “I don’t have the money right now.”  


“This won’t work.  l’ll never be able to actually to do a triathlon/speak Italian/cook Japanese.”


“I can probably find it cheaper somewhere else”.


Or maybe you overanalyze it.  “I should make sure it’s the absolute BEST gym/program/training/job/boyfriend/girlfriend I can get as proven with my 10 point rating system that integrates with seamlessly with the scientifically developed spreadsheet” (yup, I’m guilty of this!).



These are the thoughts that go through our heads.  (Doesn’t it feel good to know you’re not alone?!)



I’m sharing this with you because I’ve done it. And I see it all the time.  I also want to challenge you to find out where you’re frozen.



In my business, a lot of people message me and tell me they’ve been thinking about reaching out for months but for whatever reason, don’t.  Maybe this is you too. If you’ve been thinking about finding out more about coaching and having a free discovery session with me – and you’re talking yourself out of it –  you’re stuck in the “big freeze.”



(Click here to change that and book your complimentary Discovery Call)



Maybe you’re frozen before deciding to try coaching.  Or maybe you’re putting off applying for a new job.   Maybe you’re frozen trying to decide when you should start a business, sign up for a conference, or a triathlon.



Whatever it is, it’s time to thaw out, and just do it!  



Now that you know “the big freeze” exists, you can watch for it.



If you’re in it, know that it’s normal.



So, before you make a change:


1)  Listen for the ways your brain is trying to talk you out of making a change. Guaranteed, you will hear patterns with every decision – and soon it’ll be easy to ignore. Maybe you always tell yourself you can’t afford it. Maybe you always tell yourself you’re not good enough.  Once you spot the pattern, you can recognize it for what it is. 



2)  Pull out the logic card.  Ask yourself… “really?”  “Is there ZERO chance I get the job?”  Obviously not.  Or “do I really not have any time?  Is there not an hour a week I can get off Facebook/TV/US election drama that I can’t dedicate to training for something, or learning something new?”  I think we all know the answer to that.



3)  Dig deep into WHY it’s important to you.  Talk about all the reasons why it’s going to be great for you.  Research the benefits of what you’re going to change.  Call your cheerleadiest-of-cheerleaders friend to talk it out. Make a list of the top 10 reasons why it’s a great idea. Or just have a few glasses of wine and hit “sign up” (which is what I did when I first joined belly-dancing).



That’s it!


1)  Listen for the patterns of how your mind tricks you into freezing. 


2)  Pull out the logic card and prove yourself wrong.


3)  Build energy and excitement in yourself so you can unfreeze and






As always, I love hearing from you!  I’d love to hear about a time you’ve been frozen in the past – or something you overcome after reading or watching the video!  Feel free to share with a friend too!



Also, I want to give a shout-out to my coach Fyfe, today, who helped me get over my own “freezing” over what to share next with you guys!


Your best life is one change away.


- Lisa

Success Coach 



PS.  If you’ve been hesitating learning more about coaching, it’s time to thaw out and just do it.  It’s time to stop playing it safe. I don’t want you to settle because you know that the best life happens when you’re outside of your comfort zone.  Get in touch for a free Discovery Session to see if coaching is right for you. 



You’re ready for a change and it’s time to take the first step.  Let’s chat about what’s possible when you are willing to invest in yourself and your dreams. 


My prices will be going up again soon so don’t let this opportunity be the one you regret not taking!  


This reduces your confidence, power and potential. Are you still doing it?

Something you're saying is affecting your confidence, your power, and your potential.


It’s not a secret word.


It’s not a topic that hasn’t been covered before.


In fact, we make jokes about how much Canadians say itAmy Schumer has skits about it.  Pantene has commercials about it.



It’s the word “sorry”.



I knew as a Canadian, I said it often.  And I realize as a Canadian woman, I was likely to be a top offender of it.



But I didn’t realize how often I was saying it until the other day.



I was typing “so” on my phone and it autocorrected it to “sorry.”   Repeatedly.



That was my moment.  The moment when I realized I was apologizing SO much, my phone was automatically assuming I wanted to say sorry.  Ugh.



Too much apologizing makes you seem less powerful.


Too many “sorry’s” make you seem more submissive.


Apologizing demonstrates a lack of confidence. 


That's when I knew I needed to change.  And I want you to check-in with yourself because it’s incredibly common.


Studies show that women apologize significantly more than men.  It’s not that men don’t apologize as much when they do something wrong.  It’s that women tend to feel the need to apologize more often and therefore, say “sorry” a heck of a lot more frequently. 



So, while it’s top 40 material and trendy/provocative or even sexy/cute/adorbs when Justin Bieber says “sorry”, it’s not so much for you and me.  



In fact, you’re probably apologizing for things you shouldn’t be.



Sure, apologize if you run into someone.



Apologize if you actually hurt someone’s feelings (intentionally or not).



But this message, my epiphany, your lesson - is about apologizing for those things you shouldn’t apologize for.




Don’t apologize for taking up too much space.


Don’t apologize for knowing what you want.  No matter how ambitious it is.


Don’t apologize for not knowing what you want.  Your life is an opportunity to find out and go for it.


Don’t apologize for letting your talent shine to the world.


Don’t apologize for needing sleep.  Rest. A vacation.


Don’t apologize for loving your work.


Don’t apologize for asking a “stupid” question.


Don’t apologize for hating school.  Or hating your jobInstead, go do something about it.


Don’t apologize for being brokeGo make money.



Apologizing doesn’t do much if you’re still unhappy with the outcome.  Taking new, consistent action does.



Apologizing for being happy, shiny, bright, smart, successful, beautiful does not help others.  In fact, it teaches everyone to dim their light and apologize for their talents and gifts.  And that makes this world a blah and depressing place. 



Be proud of what you have to offer. 



Be proud of who you are.



If you want to apologize to yourself because something isn’t going well, go aheadBut don’t stop there.



Here’s how to create a lasting change, gain confidence, power and influence:


1  Track the number of times you apologize in a day.  Remember, it’s not only the word “sorry” (although that is a great start).  Pay attention to “I was just doing ____.”  Or “I think it might possibly be better if we…”.  Or “I shouldn’t have ___.”  Listen for all the ways you are apologizing.  If you are reading this in the morning, start today. If you’re reading this later in the day, set a calendar reminder for tomorrow.This WILL be eye-opening for you.


2  Manage how often you say “sorry”.  Consider implementing a penalty for unnecessary apologies.  A few weekends ago I was at a workshop and someone else brought up that the room was apologizing too much.  As a group, we decided to put $1 into the pot every time someone apologized.  A few hours and $15 later, we had ourselves a lot more awareness of our habits – and a delicious apple crisp to share.


3  Install the “Just Not Sorry” free Gmail plugin. It literally underlines when you use words that undermine your message.  Get it here.  Yes, I’ve installed it!


4 Try saying “thank you” instead.   Rather than apologizing for being late, express gratitude for the person being patient.  Instead of saying “sorry” for not doing the dishes, say “thanks” to your spouse/friend/roommate/kids for doing them.  Saying “thanks” will make the other person feel happy and appreciated – and more likely to be patient/do dishes/be awesome again in the future.


5  Identify any habits you are persistently apologizing for – and consider stopping that habit.  If you are always late, notoriously bad at returning emails, or bailing last minute, consider changing your pattern.  You’ll have a lot less apologizing if you are proactive and change the habit.


6  Put the apology in perspective.  Keep your “sorry” in check with the level it requires.  And if you find yourself consistently feeling guilty or anxious about something that you know isn’t a big deal, consider getting support (from a coach for self-worth and confidence boosting techniques, or a counselor if you think it stems from past trauma).


7  Do what you need to create a change.  If you’re always apologizing for complaining about your job/relationship/money situation, fix it!  It may be harder in the short term, but soon, you’ll be grateful for all the time you’re not spending complaining and then apologizing for complaining.  Identify the part of your life that’s causing you to apologize wayyyy too much.  And then take the first step towards change.


8  Rock your imperfections.  Hey, we all have them.  And chances are you’re apologizing for sh*t that doesn’t matter.  Own it.  Stop apologizing for having a bad hair day, beating someone at your signature sport, or needing three tries to properly parallel park. 



I challenge you to be fierceBe unapologetic. 



Yes. You can do this without being an asshole.



(Maybe not everyone can.)



But I know YOU can.



Be unapologetic about needing to take care of yourself first.


Be unapologetic about knowing what you want.


Or not knowing what you want.


Be unapologetic in your boundaries.  In respecting your boundaries.  In respecting the boundaries others have.


Be unapologetic in asking questions you want to ask.


Be unapologetic when you share your opinions.


Be unapologetic when you provide your brilliant ideas and input.


Share this blog with a friend, coworker, or partner who needs this message too and join the #sorrynotsorry movement.



Go shine on, you amazing human, you!


 - Lisa

Success Coach & Speaker




PS.  This has really been a journey for me.  One of the things I’m working on not apologizing for being myself.   For talking, taking up space, and letting my light shine.


If you’ve been apologizing too much, it’s affecting your life.  It’s probably making you procrastinate, and it’s definitely impacting your self-confidence.


Check out my video here as I share my journey out of procrastination and into showing up, unapologetically, as my very best, shiny, bright self.  











Here's how to change career paths. Even if you're afraid.

Is the career path you want to take unexpected?  UniqueUnchartered? Or unconventional?


Do you feel scared to take the first step?  Worried you’ll disappoint someone?  Afraid to take a risk?  Or nervous you’ll end up broke eating ramen for dinner every night? 


I truly believe you deserve to love your work and your life.


I believe it’s possible to enjoy what you do in your career


And when you love your 9-5, it spills awesomeness and joy into the rest of your life.


You’ve heard it from me. Now I want to share a story about the journey Kimiko Stella has taken to get to a place of real life career love.



A few months ago, I was getting my hair styled by the lovely Kimiko.  Mid-shampoo, I casually asked her “do you like your job?”  (It’s a habit – I can’t turn the coach off.)


Her eyes lit up. She grinned, threw her head back and said “YES! I love my job”. 


From that moment, I knew I needed to know more.  So I got the chance to sit down with her for some lunch (and bottomless mimosas) to get deeper into her story.


Kimiko has inspired me and I know she will inspire you.


Kimiko is a 30-something Japanese Italian woman who is feminine, strong and beautiful inside and out.   Growing up, she was surrounded by amazing women.  She has a very strong mother, a sweet and gentle aunt, and a Nona you don’t want to mess with (let’s be honest, is there any Nona you would mess with?!).
Life wasn’t always easy for Kimiko.  She struggled with depression.   She has been married and divorced.  She’s a survivor of sexual assault.  She took the unconventional path in her career and it put a strain on her relationship with her family.   At the age of 26, she came out to her family as a lesbian.

But all the steps in her journey have led her to become a seriously inspiring badass, and a force to be reckoned with!

Today, she’s a hairstylist in one of the top salons in Vancouver, Brush Salon (check them out!).  She gets to do hair for all sorts of glamorous events like Vancouver Fashion Week, and several TV shows filmed in Vancouver.  Somewhere in there, she does regular people hair like mine.

Every day, she goes to work and LOVES her job.  And she’s fiercely confidentShe’s uniquely herself

Here’s Kimiko’s journey to becoming a top stylist in the city.
Growing up, Kimiko was encouraged to take a traditional path.  Go to school, they told her.  We’ll pay for your education.  Do something that will make you money and be stable.  Needless to say, Kimiko’s family did not support her being a hair stylist. 
Their vision for her was one of an academic path.  So, she dabbled in kinesiology, counseling, nutrition, customer service and radio broadcasting – things she was interested in but not passionate about
Her family was supportive of her education, even going so far as to paying for her education as long as it was on their terms. 
Have you ever worried what your family might think if you quit your job?  Or if you changed your major?  Or went back to school?
Kimiko knew she wanted to be a hair stylist.  But she also knew they wouldn’t be happy with her decision. 
She needed to overcome this huge roadblock. For Kimiko, she came to the realization that she had to be ok with - and accept - that she was going to let people down.  This was not an easy journey
But she knew she wasn’t going to be able to follow the path others set out for her.  

She knew the journey she was on, easy or not, would be her own.
And she knew it would be worth the challenge.   

She took out her own student loan.
Made the decision to say goodbye to academics. 
And faced many difficult conversations. 

She shared with her family that as much as she loved themshe was going to follow her dream and passion to be a hair stylist.

Lesson #1 – Sometimes you have to walk the path alone.  Sometimes the path gets darker and more challenging, before it gets easy.  It will be worth it.  


Kimiko’s story is painful and strikingly honest.  It’s also one that I know isn’t only Kimiko’s.
Many of the men and women I know have grown up with similar messages.  Well-intentioned families, teachers and even friends tell us “you can be whatever you want to be”.   

But as soon as we step away from the classic “acceptable”and “stable” jobs, fearful comments and ominous warnings instantly begin. 

This is incredibly difficult.  As children, we want our parent's approval. As we grow up, we want our family and friends to support us.  To go against their cautions and wishes is counter to most of what we’ve been brought up doing. 
She persisted despite their growing fears for her.  One family member even told her “you’re going to be living in the gutter if you have that job.”  
For Kimiko, she knew her family’s worries and anxieties existed because they didn’t understand the business.  But she DID understand the business.  Kimiko knew her passion and creativity meant she would be successful!  She wasn’t worried about not making it.  Instead, she focused on following her dreams and has become a mega-successful hair stylist.  

Lesson #2 – People will project their fears onto you.  While they might mean well, know yourself enough to know if your fears are your own… or someone else’s. 

Kimiko wanted to be a hairstylist enough that she was willing to go through the challenges, the financial struggle, and family turmoil because it would be worth it.
For Kimiko, hair styling is about art. It’s about growing a business. It’s about connecting with people and genuinely making them happy.   It’s about relationships. 

And that is what she wanted deeply for herself – to have fun and make others happy.  

Lesson #3 – Your desire for your dreams has to be greater than your fear of taking a risk.

As you’re probably realizing, Kimiko is a deeply insightful, strong and intelligent woman (on top of being an amazing stylist).  Her wisdom is inspiring and beautiful. 
What Kimiko knows for sure:

  • Our choices are ultimately what define our personality. What we choose to do and our actions, are our soul being bare to the world.   Your words and what you say is one thing, but your actions are ultimately a reflection of your true colors.  So take action to create the live you want and need!


  • Societal pressures and expectations will shape us, without us even realizing it.   But your life belongs to you.  Get clear on what you want and be true to that.


  • Careers are an important part of our lives.  It’s what we do for 30 - 50 hours a week.  And the right career is nourishing. It feeds you (pay check, stomach, and soul).


  • Historically, femininity has too often been about being docile, submissive, gentle, quiet and small.  But now, there’s a chance (a need!) for women to be present, have a voice, and stand up.  It’s time for women to show the world who we are. 


  • Strength is having no regrets and no shame in what you believe in.”  Kimiko strongly believes that there are times that the situations we are in are uncomfortable. The setting hits a prickly nerve.  With friends or family, this is even harder - it’s icky, gross, nitty and gritty. And necessary.  Stick with what you believe in – it is the definition of strength.

Are you wondering how you could possibly create a career you love?
Here’s Kimiko’s advice for getting success on your terms:

  • Have a constant pursuit of happiness.  Happiness doesn’t come to you automatically.  Make it a mindful effort to chase and explore what brings you joy and delight.  It’s why we’re here on this planet.


  • Always be reflecting and growing.    There are so many people who live life on autopilot and end up drifting wherever life takes them.  Don’t do that. Be consciously living and critically making choices to take advantage of this short, beautiful life you have been given.


  • Learn. All the time.  Every part of your journey is building you to get you where you need to go.  It all happens for a reason and it will pay off. 


  • Take risks and make mistakes. Sometimes you get hurt. Sometimes you fall down pretty bad.  No risk, no glory. 


  • It’s not too late.  Even if you have no idea what it is you want.  If you know you’re not loving what you’re doing, take the first step. Be ok without knowing and get curious about yourself and what’s next for you.


I’m so honoured to share Kimiko’s story.  I am deeply grateful to her for opening up her soul and sharing her story with all of us.

I am humbled by her authenticity.  But most of all, I KNOW her story is going to resonate for so many of you.  




Her courage is palpable. 

She's courageous for standing her ground.
She's courageous for taking a risk.
She's courageous for following her passion.
She's courageous for sharing her story with us.
She's courageous for opening up to help you.

My hope is that you will also be inspired by Kimiko’s courage
My biggest wish for you is that if you are in a place in your career that you aren't happy, you start taking the steps to find joy in what you do. Today.  
My longing is that you explore your deepest desires and give yourself permission to want more. 

My dream for you is that you find the courage within yourself to create the life that you want. 
Because your life DOES belong to you.  To you and you alone. 
And you deserve to design your beautiful life into the one that you really, truly, madly, courageously and deeply want.

Thank you Kimiko, for your huge gift - reminding all of us that courage and strength pay off with huge bonuses of joy, purpose, and passion.
 - Lisa
Success Coach


PS.  My hair is also eternally grateful that you, Kimiko, a) followed your heart and b) I found you.  
PPS.   If you're not on my mailing list, you're seriously missing out.  If you are reading this on the internet (my blog, Linkedin, etc), you're not getting exclusive tips, products, contests, and gifts.  It's time to change that. Don't miss out anymore -  Sign up for my newsletter today!

Are you feeling stuck? Here's how to break free

Last year, when I moved to Vancouver, I bought a street bike for the first time ever.  I hadn’t regularly ridden a bike in over 15 years.
But… riding a bike is like, well, riding a bike right?  You don’t forget… do you?
It turns out you do. Or at least I do.  I went for a bike ride with my husband Troy and our friend and I was terrible.
I couldn’t figure out the gears. I was slow (and very sweaty). 
I couldn’t keep up.  Was scared to brake. Petrified to drive in traffic.  Couldn’t keep my balance well enough to throw up hand signals. 
In hindsight, I was even a little dangerous. 
My friends were teasing me about it.  “Wow – Lisa, you’re a terrible biker.” 
“We’ll meet you there in a few hours”.

We had a few laughs about it both that day and whenever the topic of me biking comes up.
I can totally laugh about it and I am genuinely not offended.
But here’s what I did do.
I took on the identity that I was “slow, terrible, biking Lisa”.
I believed that I was bad at biking.  Full stop.
I started telling myself “I’m just a bad bike rider.  I better not ride with others. And I definitely can’t ride in traffic.”

Well - isn't that a depressing thing to be stuck as a terrible biker when I love bike-riding AND I live in one of the most bike-friendly cities in the world?!  

So, I didn't accept it.  I realized I was going against one of the most scientifically proven factors for success

Insert:  Carol Dweck, Stanford Psychologist and author of one of my favourite booksMindset: The New Psychology of Success . 

Carol has proven that there are two mindsets:

Growth mindset: You believe you can change, learn, grow and improve.  You believe your abilities can be developed through practice, dedication and work.  Brains and talent are great but just a starting point. You love learning and are resilient - and you know both are essential for success. Spoiler alert:  pretty much all accomplished people have had these qualities and a growth mindset.

Fixed mindset:  You believe that basic qualities like talents, strengths and intelligence are fixed traits. And you can’t change them. You’re either smart or stupid. People here spend time documenting and proving their intelligence instead of developing them.  A fixed mindset tells you that innate talent creates success,without effort.

Simply put, those with a fixed mindset are wrong.

Through Carol’s research, she’s proven that people with a growth mindset are leaps and bounds more successful than those with a fixed mindset.   

Those with a growth mindset come out on top.  

I can’t recommend the book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success enough.

If you have a growth mindset, you’re far more likely to be happy, successful, have great relationships and earn more money.
For me, that’s sounds pretty damn good.  So I make a conscious effort to focus on my growth mindset. 
I do genuinely believe if there’s something I’m not good at, it’s ok.  The only way to get better is to try, practice, and learn. 
I know that practice is important. But even I forget sometimes.  Knowing is different than implementing.  Information doesn’t always translate to action.

About a month ago, I realized I was letting that mindset overtake my joy for biking.  I was stuck.  I wasn’t riding with others because I figured I was too slow.  I was super inefficient, having to use the seawall everywhere I went to avoid traffic. 
I realized I was never, ever going to get better or gain confidence with a fixed mindset.
Yes. It was true that I wasn’t a great biker. But I also hadn’t biked in 15 years.  The problem was lack of practice, and not something inherently wrong with me.
So I made a change.
To my mindset.  And to my habits.
I decided to practice.  I started biking on my own.
And guess what?  It worked!



I remembered that it’s a skill like anything else. I improved my speed. My shifting. I got comfortable and confident biking again. And I’m even totally cool to ride my bike in downtown Vancouver traffic.
In the last year since I got my bike, I barely improved.
BUT, in the last month, since changing my mindset and practicing, I’ve gottenWAY better!
In fact, last week on the seawall, I kept up with a (male) friend on a road bike while I was on a mountain bike.  A year ago, he would have been going twice my speed.
It’s amazing what a difference shifting my mindset made.
My challenge for you is to look within yourself and reflect:

  • Where in your life are you stuck?
  • What in your life are you telling yourself you aren’t any good at?
  • Where is your “fixed mindset” holding you back?  
  • If you believed you could be the best at something in your life, what would you choose to be the best at?  
  • What’s possible for you if you believe you can be the best?
  • What will you do to become better?

You can get unstuck.  You can be better. All it takes is holding the mindset that practice and improvement is possible.  And doing it.
Maybe this is something that is impacting your career.  Your parenting.  Your ability to speak in public.  Maybe it’s your cooking that you assume you’re bad at so never do (although for me, this is one I’m happy to not practice – hehe). 
Start telling yourself “I can be good at this.”  I’m learning. I’m getting better.
Don’t let frustration get you down.  Refuse to stay stuck.  Don’t tell yourself you suck (yes, I’m talking to you).  And I’m talking to myself.
Instead, say “look how far I’ve come”.  “Look what I’m learning”. 
Watch yourself grow. And see what you can do that you weren’t able to do before.
Let’s be honest, none of us are born being amazing at anything without practice. Except child prodigies.  But even child prodigies have to learn and improve the skills beyond their natural talents. 
Give yourself permission to get better. 
Permission to suck at first. 
Permission to take two steps forward and one step back, knowing that it’s the only way to ever improve!
Because you WILL improve.  
Now, here’s the thing.  Mindset: The New Psychology of Success is one of my favourite books.  I know in my whole body and mind that a growth mindset is not only true, but it’s a huge key to success. 
And yet I still got caught in the fixed mindset mentality.

See, no matter how much you knowimplementing knowledge is always a challenge.

You know smoking is bad for you. You understand that you should eat more greens.

You figure you should say no to the third glass of wine. 

But the fact is that there are still millions of smokers in North America.  Very few of us eat enough greens.  And I have a very hard time saying “no” to the wine.
There’s a hole between knowledge and implementation. 
A gap between understanding and doing
A space between insight and action.

And this is where we get stuck. And stay stuck.

Unless we make a decision to create change.  

That’s where we need support.  It’s where great bosses come in.  This is where wonderful friends can help. This is where mentors and even spouses can support.  

And this is the space where coaching thrives and shines.
Sometimes, the desire to move forward is too important to leave to chance. 

The result you want - work-life balancegetting back in shape, traveling more,starting your business – is something you want SO badly that you aren’t messing around.  
Or the place you're stuck in is so uninspiring, so de-motivating, so dull, you can't possibly sit in it another day.

Here’s where I come in.
I’m here to take you from idea to implementation.

I’m here to make you take what you know and create the life you want with it.

I’m here to mirror back to you what I see in you that you may not yet see in yourself.  Like limiting beliefs.  Sub-conscious mindsets.
And of course, show you the brilliance and awesomeness in yourself that you don’t fully appreciate – yet.

I'm here to unstick you and break you free.

To create real change, you need more accountability, more encouragement, and more awareness of where you’re going.   And you need to squash what’s holding you back, stat.   If I’m talking to you, get in touch.
I’d love to connect to find out how we can get you from the place you are today –mediocre, frustrated, discouraged, or underwhelmed – to a place where you’re achieving what you know is possible for you (and more!).
This time, my invitation to connect is different. In October, I’m entering an intensive 6-month coaching certification program, a program reserved for the top coaches in the world.  This program is going to stretch me and make me the best coach for my clients (something that is super important to me, and you – duh).
To give the program, and my clients the best of me, I’m limiting the number of spaces for one-on-one clients between October 2016 and April 2017.
And when I do open more spaces, I will be increasing my prices to reflect the incredible results my clients are achieving.
So if you’ve been debating, wondering, talking yourself out of chatting with me, now is the time.
Get over your excuses of not having time, money, or whatever other excuse that fixed mindset is having you believe. It’s time to say goodbye to the excuses, and hello to your new mindset and self.
As a special incentive for the clients that do come with me on my coaching journey, I’m creating only three (3!) spaces for a six-month program. 
It’s something I won’t be advertising on my website – it’s only for those reading this post.
My prices will never be this low again… and I will probably never offer a program like this ever again. 
If you are ready for change, ready for more, and ready to have it all in your life, I can’t wait to hear from you. 
Connect with me for a free Discovery Call to find out more about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!  There’s no obligation and no pressure.  Because I only work with the most dedicated and passionate clients – and I have a feeling that might beyou!
Whether you will be one of the three (3!!) joining me in this six-month program or not, I’ll be herechallenging you along the way, supporting you on your quest for a life and a career you LOVE!  

I’m unbelievably excited and humbled about the next phase of my personal growth and my business.  And I can’t wait to find out who will be a part of the growth journey with me.

 - Lisa
Success Coach
PS.  The 3 spots in my six-month program are first-come, first served.  I already have a few calls set up for next week and I don’t want you to miss out. Contact me today for your free Discovery Call – and let’s make the next six months rock your world!