How do you REALLY feel about money?

First of all, you're AWESOME!

Thank you for reading my blog and welcoming me into your life. I adore you and am truly grateful for you. 

Second, I have a question:

Do you love money?

Keep reading, because whether it's a "yes" or "no", I have something to help you.

Third, thank you for your patience. 

We're mixing things up over here and doing things a little different for a few weeks as we prepare for the creation and launch of a BRAND new podcast just for you!

In case you're a planner (like me!), here are a few updates and resources so you stay rockin' your goals and know what to expect.

1) You might not get a new blog or email every single week, on a Tuesday, until we have the podcast up and rockin'. #Qualityovercomplication #goodbyeperfectionism

2) I'm collaborating with some amazing friends and leaders in the personal development world to share their knowledge with you. 

Last week, Kaitlin Armstrong shared her wisdom around discomfort and body intelligence. This week, Genicca Whitney has magic for you about manifestation and money. (Keep reading below). 

3) SO much love and attention is going to Goalden Girls Community and the women in the program are truly blowing my mind. The community is buzzing with enthusiasm, support, collaborations, and getting sh*t done!

If you missed the last registration window, make sure you get your name on the waitlist now for the next time it opens. Trust me: you do NOT want to miss out!

Ok now, let's talk MONEY.

Do you have enough money?

How do you feel when you pay a bill? Nervous? Excited? Anxious?

Have you ever thought about your relationship with money?

Well, chances are, if you don't have enough of it, or cringe when you open your online banking appthere's a money story in you to rewrite. 

Yesterday, I interviewed Genicca WhitneyMoney Manifestation Coach, ALL about money. 

I have to be honest: I went into the conversation thinking I had it all figured out. 

I mean, I went from being $40,000 in debt to being a multi-millionaire in just a few years. Plus, I have a finance degree (ha, ha). 

"I have this figured out", I thought. 

I was dead wrong.

Genicca pinpointed exactly where I'm still vulnerable and have to shift my mindset: including the beliefs that talking about money is "spammy" and that I "don't have enough."  (You can watch this honest epiphany here). 

Genicca proved to me that it's not about the money in your bank account - our money stories and behaviours run MUCH deeper. 

Now, whether you're into the "Woo" or not, there's a LOT to learn from about money mindset and manifestation.

The way you talk about money, is the way you treat your money. 

The way you treat your money, is the way you earn/manifest/save/resist/spend/waste money.

Your ideas about money are impacting your current money reality.

As Genicca soulfully shared yesterday "the more you feel like you need more, the more you live in lack." Lack of money, that is.

So if there's something about your money life that you aren't lovingthis video is for you.

Money can be a sticky topic but it's my job and my commitment to YOU to help you live out your big dreams. 

And money is a tool - an important one - that can help you reach your dreams.

Even more important? 

Having the right mindset around money will allow you to create the life you want.

It's not about how much money you have, but your attitude towards it and what you can do with it that will transform your life.

Genicca and I are so passionate about this topic - soak up Genicca's wisdom (like I did!) and watch the video today.

With love and best wishes for a wonderful week!

xo Lisa

PS. Do you have enough money?

Are you satisfied with your money situation?

Would you love to be financially free? (Uhhh, who doesn't?!)

Well, have I got the interview for you.

Yesterday, I sat down with Genicca Whitney, Money Manifestation Coach and talked about just this: MONEY. 

You can catch the interview here.

If you're like me and think you "have it all figured out", you'll be surprised to hear I had several aha moments about money, and am absolutely working on my own money mindset. (In fact, I started this morning). 

Watch and discover your own money stories - so you can manifest the cash and life you want!