Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #89 - The Power of the Pause: Finding Clarity, Avoiding Burnout and Reaching Your Potential with Emily Williams

Hustle culture is real. 

There’s so much pressure on us to do all the things.

Do it now.

Have the big to-do list and CRUSH it, day in and day out.

If you’re ambitious, you can probably relate to this. Not only does our culture teach us to work soo dang hard, but it also validates us for working hard. 

Today’s guest is someone who takes a lot of action - and helps others do the same. 

Emily Williams is a success coach, author, podcast host and CEO who, at one point, couldn’t get a job at Starbucks.

After experiencing a quarter-life crisis, she moved from Ohio to London (where she knew no one!) and in 2014 launched her company, I Heart My Life. She made $442 in her first month—and then went on to hit six figures in six months, before her 30th birthday. She grew her business into seven figures in under 18 months.

Today, she works with ambitious, heart-centered women all over the world in helping them bust through the obstacles that hold their dreams and goals hostage so they can free themselves to create a life that's better than their dreams through the company's membership, courses and retreats. She also personally coaches entrepreneurs to help them scale their businesses (and their lives!) to new heights.

While Emily’s accomplishments are impressive - she’s been featured in FORBES, INC. SUCCESS, Money, Entrepreneur, Business Insider and so much more — today’s episode is about the exact opposite:  

It’s about slowing down, listening to your intuition, social media addiction, getting comfortable with pausing, quitting the things you need to quit, and putting a STOP on doing just for the sake of doing.


Ambition can sometimes go too far and leave us burned out.  LOTS of women are burned out right now

  • The world has changed in the last few years, and so have we. Inevitably, our careers, businesses and the services we need are going to adapt to this too.

  • Taking a break is hard: financially, mentally - logically. So what’s a woman who’s doing ALL The things to do? How ever do we pause… or — QUIT?! 

In this episode, you’re going to hear this and so much more. You’ll:

  • Hear about Emily’s decision to put a pause on two MAJOR things in her business - Instagram and her Podcast

  • Learn about the fears that came up from Emily. Fears you’ll probably relate to like “will people forget about me? Will my business make it? Does this make me a quitter?” and hear how Emily has - and continues to - navigate them

  • Understand how to balance pace with patience: our desires and ambitions, with the very real need to take a break so that we don’t burn out

  • Get ideas and advice for how to strengthen your intuition and your trust of yourself

  • See new ways and potential opportunities for where you might need to pause - or *gasp* quit - and hear HOW you can actually do this (especially when there’s often - what feels like and can be - real constraints in life and business)

  • Be inspired on how you can also get quiet and build in some breathing room to get clarity, make sure you’re on the right path, and taking ALIGNED action that leads you to your desires … instead of burnout

By the end of this episode, you’ll believe that sometimes a pause - and quitting - is actually necessary. You’ll hear some POWERFUL insights that will remind you of how to listen to yourself, and stop yourself from burning out.

You’ll gain practical advice to navigate a pause or a quit of your own, and feel confident and courageous to determine where in your life - taking a pause or quitting - may actually be the next best step in service of your vision, your desires, your dreams and your goals. 

And after we say goodbye to Emily, keep listening - I have a few pauses and quits of my own to share, from Emily’s inspiration - that I hope will inspire you to.

Get comfortable, get ready - and for goodness sake, put away that to-do list. - we’re talking about how to know when to pause or quit and how to balance it with taking action.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Fears and practicalities that come up when deciding(16:06)

  • How to strengthen your intuition and your trust of yourself ( 19:02)

  • How to balance pace with patience: our desires and ambitions (22:57)

  • How you can get quiet and build in some breathing room (34:39)

  • Rapid Fire Question (36:43)


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  •  Emily’s Bio:

    Emily Williams is a success coach, author, podcast host and CEO who, at one point, couldn’t get a job at Starbucks.

    After experiencing a quarter-life crisis, she moved from Ohio to London (where she knew no one!) and in 2014 launched her company, I Heart My Life. She made $442 in her first month—and then went on to hit six figures in six months, before her 30th birthday. She grew her business into seven figures in under 18 months.

    Today, she works with ambitious, heart-centered women all over the world in helping them bust through the obstacles that hold their dreams and goals hostage so they can free themselves to create a life that's better than their dreams through the company's membership, courses and retreats. She also personally coaches entrepreneurs to help them scale their businesses (and their lives!) to new heights.

Additional Resource

Book:  Quit: The Power of Knowing When To Walk Away by Annie Duke  
Podcast:  Is it Time to Quit? How to Let Go, Tune In, and Follow Your Bliss with Emily Williams

Links to Emily:

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Thank you so much for listening.



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