Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #83 - Clear the Baggage from the Path and Step into Your Visionary, Purpose-Drive Reality with The Journeymen Collective

Look, I don’t know about you, but I know YOU and I have been put on this planet to do a lot more than just eat, sleep, work, pay bills, do some laundry, and then die.

And yet - when you look around, it seems like most people are doing just that:  going through the motions, doing all the to-do’s without truly living with deep satisfaction, reverence or joy. 

On some level, I believe most of us can feel it: we can FEEL the fact that most people on this planet are disconnected from their true selves, their purpose, and in many ways, just walking the prescribed path that society has set out for us.  

Chances are, you’re here  - you’ve been guided in some way here - because you sense that there’s a disconnection .

You sense that you’re missing a piece of fulfillment in your life and that there has to be more to your existence, more to what you’re doing here than just doing for the sake of doing, and endless productivity without the inspiration and motivation that comes from alignment. 

If this is you, you’re in the right place.  

Without getting TOOOOO depressing right from the top of this episode, let me tell you this: I believe there’s a world of possibility out there for each and every one of us, and I know today’s guests feel it too. 

Here’s what I see in the world around me, in clients that I work with., and in myself in certain seasons which is why this work is so important: 

Many people are living without purpose.

It’s no secret that we’re not given the tools on how to process energy and the emotions of life and so we carry it with us or express it in ways that aren’t healthy or supportive of the life we want or the people we want to be.

So often, I see people hit certain success markers, hit their goals… and then there’s a silence: and in the silence comes a question: “is this it?”  We can become so focused on the to-do’s that we forget WHY we started in the first place. 

We’ve forgotten how to be in JOY. We’ve forgotten how to feel the full range and spectrum of emotions. 

And in many cases, we’ve set goals that don’t truly matter to the core of us, and so when we achieve them, it feels empty.

We get stuck in conditional living;  this constant negotiation with the world, the universe, ourselves: of “If I do this, then I get that.”   But it doesn’t work like that, and ultimately, life can feel like groundhog day where we keep doing the same thing over and over, until we realize enough is enough. 

All this being said; It’s no surprise that we are in a mental health crisis:  

  • While taboo is dropping (which I think has some real benefits to it), we keep focusing on the gap instead of the gain

  • We keep focusing on the fact that people have depression and anxiety - and normalized it – while paying almost no attention on how we heal and how to move people out of it.

What we’re also not talking about enough?

The beautiful, magic human potentiality that’s within us all, within YOU, waiting to be unmasked, and brought back to the light .

If your soul is nodding along because you feel this, know this on some level, you’re in for a treat. 

In today’s episode, I’m honoured to be joined by Robert Grover and Gary Logan, two MASTER Spiritual Advisors and Human Potential Experts. Together, they are The Journeymen Collective.

Robert and Gary are all about supporting humans to get to a place where they never again have to ask “Is this all there is”, and Stop looking for the next level to get deeper satisfaction – the new job, the bigger home, new partner the next income level, to feel satisfied. 

In this episode, you’re going to hear about HOW Robert and Gary do this, and you’ll learn tools and ideas for how you can learn to listen to yourself.

This is a deeply spiritual and personal conversation - one that can’t be distilled down into the typical:  In this episode, you’ll learn points A, B and C. 

Even though we will be talking about tools and sharing beautiful questions you can ask yourself, and practices to try, this is going deeper and more metaphysical than that.

It’s about how we’ve become disconnected from ourselves and our essence and how we can begin to reclaim it - for ourselves and humanity.

It’s about how we can be more present in the ceremony of life, even in the “mundane-ness”, and step more into the vision we desire and the people we know we’re meant to become. 

This episode isn’t a prescription and it’s not another negotiation of if you do THIS, then you get THAT.  This journey is not a ONE way, one path - so I invite you to listen with an open mind, and open heart. 

Take what resonates with you. Embody in yourself this week a piece of the wisdom you heard in this episode. Come back to it in weeks, months and years to see what lands differently. 

This is your permission: permission to look at your life like a blank canvas, and go paint your magic. OHH and definitely permission to paint outside the lines. 

Go into this episode with the intention of coming out feeling grounded, feeling like you have permission to go forth with WHATEVER is calling you inside. 

Get ready to be ready, to FEEL ready: ready to release, ready to slow down, or ready to shine bright with something new. 

Friend, I can’t promise exactly what you will take from this episode but I can promise you this:  there will be medicine in here that meets you with exactly what you need.  There are beautiful, gorgeous nuggets in here and a connection to something deeper, more powerful, more enlightening and grounding than a “map with 5-steps to success” can offer. 

So come with me, and get ready to be taken on a journey here today  - a journey with Rob and Gary - The Journeymen Collective.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • The “energetic load” that people are carrying (34:33)

  • How to connect to your inner self and voice (39:24)

  • Tools and ideas to listen to yourself ( 43:38)

  • Slowing down to speed up (1:16:40)

  • Rapid Fire Questions (1:39:06)


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The Journeymen Collective Bio:

Gary Logan, ATCD - Founder

For more than 40 years Gary has developed a deep awareness of the mind-body-spirit connection within human beings. His journey of self-exploration began when he embarked on his career as an actor. Gary explored many ways into stillness of mind and body through fitness, meditation, music and dance, with a primary focus of studying the Alexander Technique with his first teacher in London, England. Throughout his life, Gary was continually learning that a deeper awareness of the psycho-physical connection would help him liberate the destructive subconscious programs from his childhood. Everything in Gary’s life, from teaching the Alexander Technique to Healing Touch, culminated into a quantum leap once he embarked on his first shamanic journey to assist him through a time of grief and mild depression.

The numerous personal and spiritual paths that he has explored were all woven together into a deep and broad tapestry of true soulful expression in collaboration with Robert to form The Journeymen Collective. Gary was shown the shamanic path is his higher purpose. He is deeply committed to awakening people from their slumber to help them access the richness of the present moment on an ever-increasing frequency.

Gary’s deep awareness of the psycho-physical connection, through the Alexander Technique, is a key distinction of The JourneyMen Collective work that prepares the whole being for the ceremonies and facilitates a dynamic integration process; from the spiritual to the physical embodiment of renewal. During spiritually intense work we often forget about the physical structure; as the human being releases old thought and emotional patterns from the quantum fabric of reality the physical structure requires support to unfurl away from the old faulty sensory awareness.

Gary lives through his mantra for life: JUST BE.

Robert Grover, MSc. - Founder

In 2003, Robert experienced a profound awakening which opened him to knowledge of deeper realms of existence. For the first two years, he was left with a typical western approach that left many questions unanswered and deeply unfulfilled.

Robert’s awareness was grounded into understanding reality when he discovered his first spiritual teacher.  It changed the entire course of his life, leading him out of a successful corporate career that he pursued since his youth, onto an ever-evolving path of self-mastery. By following his deep inner guidance, Robert was led to his own shamanic journey, where he remembered that his higher purpose is to help others connect into their innate guidance systems and universal truths through the shamanic path. He learned to honour and offer the dynamic flow of unique metaphysical technology, that is continually unfurling within him, for the people that embark on their own journey.

Combining his lifelong exploration of science with mastery of his multisensory spiritual awareness allows each and every client to be energetically prepared for the shamanic journey.  Robert’s quantum energy work provides a deep cleaning and clearing so that the client can activate their greatest potential from within themselves and be a human catalyst impacting the entire collective consciousness.

Rob lives through his mantra for life: Reconnect to Your Soul's Remembering

Links to Journeymen Collective

Website: www.thejourneymencollective.com 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thejourneymencollective/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JourneymenCollective 

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@psychedelicjourneys1111

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Thank you so much for listening.



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