Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #81 - How Freelancing Can Help You Manage Your Risk, Pay Your Bills and Chase Your Dreams, Even In The Face of Uncertainty with Joy Batra

If you’re reading this, chances are you grew up hearing the same recipe for success that I did. The recipe went something like this: 

Go to school. Get a degree. Maybe a second degree, or Master’s or Ph.D. 

Get a stable job with benefits, and a retirement plan. Stay there until age 65, then retire.

BAM! Success would be inevitable.

The fact that so many people are still stuck thinking, feeling and living in a life where this is the only recipe for success, that honestly drives me and my team, day after day to create content, coach and lead you to see another way.

Let’s talk about this advice though for a moment: 

This advice has been lovingly passed down from the last few generations to us. It was great advice a few decades ago.  But the truth is, the world has changed but the advice, the SUCCESS Recipe if you will, it hasn’t. 

The reality of today is that so many people are stuck in jobs they don’t like, in work environments or situations that aren’t supportive of the life they want to be living. 

Maybe that’s you: you’re doing work you don’t enjoy. Maybe you have a creative pursuit or passion and don’t know how to go for it. 

Maybe you know there’s untapped potential within you and you know your job isn’t the way it’s going to come out.

Today, most people will have at least 7 careers in their lifetime. The average person holds 12.4 jobs between the ages of 18 and 54. 

Think about your own career, how many jobs have you had already? How many companies have you explored?

And if you're the unicorn who’s stayed in one role or at one company for over 10 years look around you: you will notice your friends, family and network likely hasn’t. 

Today,  jobs, career paths, companies, are all evolving as technology changes, the world changes, and as humans -  I BELIEVE - we collectively step more into our power and stop settling. 

All this culminates in the workforce, with the rise of FREELANCING. 

Here’s the thing:  I know taking the leap into freelancing can be scary and overwhelming, and that’s why I’m honored to be joined today by Joy Batra, author of the brand new book “The Freelance Mindset: Unleashing Your Side Hustles for Better Work, Play, and Life”. 

Maybe you’re thinking “I don’t know HOW - how do I actually make the transition into freelancing??

Maybe you’re afraid – no, not maybe:  you probably ARE afraid. Afraid of not knowing how, afraid of failure, not being able to pay the bills, and afraid of not being taken seriously by friends, family and colleagues. 

We all know that when we quit the “stable” job, we miss out on the “stable” paycheck.  With freelancing, there will be be ups and downs in the pay, and maybe you don’t know how to navigate the ups and downs when expenses like mortgages/rent, etc, are the same every month

And of course, you’re driven - ambitious - passionate about doing cool work in this world… and you might be worried that your career growth may be stunted or you won’t be able to see any progress without a corporate ladder to climb.

That’s what Joy’s here to help us ALL with. 

In this episode, you will: 

  • Learn how to prepare for a leap into freelancing 

  • Discover how freelancing can either a) be a way to channel your creative pursuit/passion, or be the part time job to fuel and fund your passions

  • Be able to answer for yourself whether you should quit your job to follow your passions

  • Learn how to answer the inevitable "what do you do?" question as a freelancer (and how to handle it) 

  • Get tips on how to deal with the feast or famine cycles of freelancing 

  • Understand ways to grow your career, even if you're not (only) climbing a corporate ladder

One of my favourite parts of this episode is that you’re going to hear a lot of real, life examples of people in ALL kinds of industries who have created both career and personal success: without a traditional 9-5 job. 

By the end of this episode, you’ll realize that freelancing can actually be MORE stable option than just one job.  

You’ll understand what it takes to become a freelancer, how to handle the ups and downs, and be ready to step into the “Freelancer Mindset”. 

You’re going to feel confident, empowered, hopeful - and most of all, like you can create whatever life and career success it is you desire. 

So if you’re ready to stop settling for a job or career that isn’t working for you or ready to stop hiding your passions, and READY to bring out the best in yourself, tap into your unrealized potential and TRULY take control of your career - and life – this episode is for you.

Get ready to be inspired, motivated and transformed by the wisdom of Joy Batra, and the insights we’re sharing today!

So, listen in and discover the power of creating your OWN recipe for success. 

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Definition of the freelance mindset (22:05)

  • Challenges people face when getting started with freelancing (34:05)

  • Tips for people that can help them to move through the cycle of feast and famine (43:55)

  • Rapid fire question (1:13:35)


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Joy Batra is the author of "The Freelance Mindset: Unleashing Your Side Hustles for Better Work, Play, and Life". Joy is founder of Quartz Consulting, a freelance consulting firm that has advised start-ups, venture capital firms, and Fortune 500 companies. 

She previously worked at Goldman Sachs, Gunderson Dettmer, JioSaavn, and briefly as a Bollywood actress (long story). Joy spends her days as Head of Legal at Syndicate Protocol and her free time freelancing in the arts. Joy has lived or worked in India, Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand, the UAE, and the UK. She currently splits her time between NYC and Boston. Joy holds a JD/MBA from Harvard University.

Links to Joy

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