8. How to shift your perspective and mindset to create more time and less stress

You want more time. More time to go to the gym. To sleep. To have a cup of tea and sit in the quiet at the end of the day. 


Here’s the truth: it’s not a “strategy” problem.

You don’t need one more tip, or hack, or technique. 


Yup, I see you and I know YOU KNOW that all it takes it to pour some hot water in a cup and sit your butt on the couch. 


And yet, you don't do it. 


This is why it’s time to look at and change your mindset and your habits.  


Does everything in your life feel urgent and out of balance? 

Would you like to be able to write new stories that allow you take charge of your time, your energy, your life… your success… and your dreams? 


(PS: Don’t go any further without listening to Episode 7 - the 4 BIG PICTURE questions to ask yourself before you try any other time management technique).

Ok, back to Episode 8.

Did you know that 45% of what you do on a daily basis is is out of habit?

To make change, you need to shift your mindset and your habits, first.

80% of your success will be because you’ve altered your mindset, not because of some new strategy or trick.

This week we’re building upon the 4 BIG PICTURE questions you asked yourself in Episode 7.

Now is the time to uncover the stories you’re telling yourself that are leaving you overwhelmed, rushed, busy, and feeling like you don’t have enough time….

In this transformative episode, we’re diving into the mindset shifts you can make to make more time for yourself.

You will learn to uncover the limiting beliefs you have so that you can change those - to have less stress and get the success you want.  

Get ready to make three PERSPECTIVE shifts to help you create more time and less stress.

And you’ll discover the TWO questions to help you uncover your limiting beliefs and understand how they are creating negative time habits. 

By the end of this episode you’ll understanding your limiting beliefs and you’ll understand how to shift your mindset so you have the time you want.

Best of all? You’ll take that complicated relationship with time… and turn it to an open one. Open-minded, that is.


Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:


2:56 - Listener shout out to “itjustflows”

4:30 - The “baggage” you bring to your relationship with time

5:00 - What NO other expert/coach/guru will tell you about time

6:15 - Why time management hacks/strategies/tips/tools aren’t enough

8:00 - Why having more time isn’t the answer. (Lisa’s personal experience thinking “all I need is more time” - and the truth behind it. This is the inspiration for this episode).

10:55 Three perspective shifts

  • 1) Stop saying “I don’t have time”  — 10:55

  • 2) Shift from time management to energy management — 13:40

  • 3) Get Intentional AF — 16:00

    • Be intentional about your personal time

    • Get present + how I get better at this (because frankly, I suck)

26:15 Questions to Uncover mindset blocks

  • 1) Why don’t you have more time? What’s stopping you from having enough time?  26:30

  • 2) Why DON’T you have the success you want? What’s standing in your way? 35:30

35:30 Common mindset challenges that may be impacting your TIME and relationship with it

  • How to identify and rewire limiting beliefs - check out Episode 5

    • Fear of failure 38:40

    • Fear of success 39:20

    • Scarcity mindset 40:40

    • Believing in yourself 43:05

    • People pleasing (O.M.G) 43:50

    • Addiction to “busy” 46:20

    • Perfectionism 50:00

    • Worthiness:  51:55

57:11 Why this episode won’t be very popular, or go viral — and why that’s better for YOU

59:30 My challenge to you

1:01:15 What to expect for Episode 9 (Part 3 of this Time Management Series)


Here’s my promise to you: in this episode you’ll develop a deeper awareness of how mindset impacts your time and what to do about it. 

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And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Those reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!


Episode 5 Goalden Girls Podcast:  How to believe in yourself (even if no-one else does)  - www.lisamichaud.com/podcast/5

Goalden Girls Community:  Join the waitlist here:  www.lisamichaud.com/community  

Lisa’s Favourite Time Management Books:  

Here are some fantastic books to get you started on your personal quest for time management. 

While few of these resources address the whole picture (who you are, what season of life you’re in, what capacity you have, the size of the goals you’re working on, your mindset, any people pleasing/perfectionism/overachieving tendencies) —  but they are still great reads. 

168 Hours by Laura Vanderkam

Getting Things Done by David Allen

The 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris

Connect with Lisa:


Goalden Girls Community:  Join the waitlist here:  www.lisamichaud.com/community  

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 


Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/


Additional Resources: http://www.lisamichaud.com/goodies



Quotes to Share:


Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


Episode 8 - Instagram Quote.png



“If your relationship with time was a Facebook status, it would be ‘It’s Complicated’”.  — Lisa Michaud  

”Time is what we want most and what we use worst.” — William Penn

You can’t work yourself to worthiness. — Lisa Michaud 


Thank you so much for listening.




PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.