The two C's you need to amp up your success

It’s a fresh week and a fresh new month.

And if you’re in Canada or the United States, you’re getting blasted by the polar vortex and it’s extremely fresh outside. I won’t complain that Vancouver got snow when I know many of you are dealing with temperatures -40 and colder! Stay warm, my friend.

So, it’s fresh outside, and it’s a fresh start.

You are a part of my community because you have goals and dreams. And whether we ever get to work together through one of my programs, courses, or events or not, I’m here to help you get to those big dreams and goals.

I know there’s things you want to accomplish in 2019 and you want to make it your best year ever.

And, as I’ve said before, and will say until the day I die, if you want something different – a change, anything new or that you’ve never had before – you have to do something different.

This sounds really easy, doesn’t it?

Just do something different.


Well, it is that easy. And it isn’t.

Here’s the thing: there’s often something holding us back from creating change. It’s up to you to figure it out, and then move forward.

I want you to be aware that creating change can be hard for two reasons:

1) You are prepared with the right expectations so you don’t go too hard on yourself and give up the moment you first fail. Success sometimes looks a lot like failure.

2) You can dig deep and figure out what it’s going to take for YOU to achieve your goals

if you aren’t progressing on your goals, or you want to move faster, it’s up to you to figure out how and why.

There are two key, foundational things it takes to see results in any area of your life: Confidence and Consistency.

And the two are totally related: in a chicken-and-egg kind of way.

Confidence is what it takes to set solid boundaries with ourselves and those around us.

Confidence allows us to ask for the promotion, the leadership role on the project, or the raise.

Confidence makes being rejected from a sale easier to swallow and means we pick up the phone and call the next potential client right away.

Confidence helps us show up as the woman who ALREADY has it.

When you have confidence, it’s easier to be consistent.

On that note of consistency, now’s a good time to be honest with you:

I have not been as consistent with my content, serving you and growing my business as I want to be. I asked myself the questions below and I know consistency is a major way that I can support you and create my big dreams.

And it is my intention in 2019 to do better, for you.

Consistency is key. And if you’re confident, it makes consistency easier.

It’s easier to consistently tell your boss the successes you've had – not in a braggy “look-at-me” way - but in an “I’m awesome and valuable and don’t you forget it when it’s time for promos and bonuses” way.

It’s easy to consistently give and receive respect in our relationships.

When you’re consistent, there’s magic and power.

You can’t run a marathon without consistent training. (Well, maybe you can but it will HURT, not to mention the potential for nipple chaffing, which is a real thing).

To grow your impact and business, you need consistency. You need to consistently create content and engage with your community.

To have an exceptional marriage, it means consistently being an exceptional wife; not just on the days when you feel like it.

Consistency allows you to always be improving. Always be moving forward. Always be learning.

Always be delivering value and creating impact – in your life and the life of others.

Consistency is what it takes for true success.

And of course, consistently doing something will make it easier, which gives you more confidence.

See the momentum building? Can you feel it?

Chicken or the egg, confidence or consistency: the reality is there’s no point debating it and instead, it’s important to focus on both.

Confidence and consistency will allow you to charge full steam ahead into those goals as you make this your BEST year ever!

So if you’re ready to amp up your goal progresshere are two questions to ask yourself:

1) Do I have confidence in myself?

2) Am I being consistent?

Now, don’t just read this and move on.

Answer it truthfully, and honestly.

Ask your partner what their take is on. Do they see you having confidence and showing up consistently?

Meditate on it.

Journal it.

Ask a respected peer, mentor, coach or friend for their perspective. Or talk it out with them.

Confidence and consistency give you a solid runway for success.

Chances are, you can step it up in one of these two arenas (or maybe both).

And when you do, you will see results.

Real change takes time to create.

Remember: you can do it.

Be confident.

And stay consistent.

If you appreciated this opportunity to reflect and move forward, there’s even more of this in the monthly reflection exercise I use that you can find here.

You know my intention this year is to create much more impact and serve you.

To do that, I’m taking a lesson from this post and I’m going to be going live every Tuesday night on my Facebook page.

In my weekly LIVE video, I’ll be sharing inspiration, extra wisdom and answering any questions you might have.

Catch me here every Tuesday night between 8:30-9:30 pm PST. (Flexible time for allow for baby sleep surprises and I'm not letting it stop me from supporting you).

Confidence. Consistency.

Let's do this!

Lisa Michaud

Success Coach & Consistency Queen (I'm owning it!)

PS. If you aren’t progressing on your goals, or you want to move faster, it’s up to you to figure out how and why.

There are two key, foundational things it takes to see results in any area of your life: Confidence and Consistency.

And the two are totally related: in a chicken-and-egg kind of way.

Confidence is what it takes to set solid boundaries with ourselves and those around us.

When you have confidence, it’s easier to be consistent.

Consistency allows you to always be improving. Always be moving forward. Always be delivering value and creating impact – in your life and the life of others.

So if you’re ready to amp up your goal progresshere are two questions to ask yourself:

1) Do I have confidence in myself?

2) Am I being consistent?

Now, don’t just read this and move on.

Answer it truthfully, and honestly.

And take action.

PPS.  My action from doing this exercise myself?

I want and need to be more consistent.

Join me every Tuesday night between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm PST on Facebook live HEREfor inspiration, wisdom, tools, insights and all your questions answered.

See you tonight!