Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #78 - Lisa’s “Self Made” Millionaire Story: How We Did It, My Advice, The Mindset Behind It, and How to Become One Yourself

I was recently asked by one of my good friends to contribute to a video about being a self-made millionaire and share advice for those on their journey to their first one million dollars and beyond.

Before I stand on my soapbox about the whole “self-made” thing. Don’t worry, that’s coming

Let me be real with you:

The idea of being in a video with other millionaire women gave me MASSIVE imposter syndrome. I wondered if I was qualified.

Would people care what I have to say?

Is my financial success worthy since I had - and continue to have - support growing financially with my husband?

ALL. THE. Things. 

Well, Spoiler alert - I did the video.

 And in this episode, I’m sharing with you the advice that I was asked to give:

How did you make your first million dollars?

What do you think has been the secret to your success?

What advice would you give to someone else who wants to make a million dollars?

AND What’s the most important money lesson you’ve learned so far?

These are FANTASTIC questions - and in the process of answering them, I realized there was a lot of really great content, that might be helpful for you. 

When I recorded for Rachel, I shared a lot of depth and details – actual numbers, insights, and information that I think is really helpful.

But in the end, it didn’t make it to the final edit of the video because there were 3 other amazing women contributing. So that’s why I’m doing this podcast episode. 

I know a lot of YOU also want to gain a solid financial foundation for yourself: and it’s VERY helpful to learn from those who have gone before us.

Plus we’ve done something things well that I want to share, and some things that didn’t so you might as well SAVE Time and frustration and maybe money and do it quicker and easier :

Oh - and about imposter syndrome?   I’ll share a little about that. And about how my “worst fear” came true and I’m still here ;)  

So if you want to know the answers from me on those 4 questions - how I made my first million, what do I think is the secret to my financial success, what advice i’d give to others wanting to make a million dollars, and the most important money lesson so far, listen in.

Also quick disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Please do your own due diligence and work with experts that can support you and your personalized situation. :) 

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • How I made my first million dollars (11:23)

  • The secret to my success (17:28)

  • Advice I would give to someone else who wants to make a million dollars ( 21:03)

  • The most important money lesson I’ve learned so far (24:03)


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Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“If you feel like you're supposed to figure this out on your own, I'm gonna tell you that's a myth” Lisa Michaud

“Make sure you have a community and that you are learning. Because none of us come out knowing how to do this money thing.” Lisa Michaud

“Write it down, talk about it. Get accountability, set habits for that goal.“ Lisa Michaud

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Thank you so much for listening.



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