Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #75 - Become a Diet-Free Diva and Take Back your Best YOU with Tracy Desjardins

Hey there friend:  I’m starting this episode a little different, with some Content Transparency:  

The title of this episode is “Become a Diet-Free Diva and take back your best YOU with Tracy Desjardins” and with the title, you can probably guess that we’re going to be talking about food and ditching diets. 

But in case you’re auto-playing episodes, or listening in the car and didn’t see the title, I wanted to say this RIGHT up front because I know this can be a sensitive topic.

In this episode, we talk about food, disordered eating, mental health, body image, and eating disorders in this episode. As with ALL content - podcast, book, social media, tv, please listen mindfully and intentionally. If you decide this is not a topic that’s not for you to explore in this moment, no worries: go ahead and honour yourself and choose another episode of Goalden Girls Podcast to listen to intentionally instead. 

With that, let me tell you a little about why this episode and this topic is so deeply important both personally, and for all of you too. 

This episode is our first episode of 2023 and it’s so fitting. (I can’t lie - I definitely planned it this way.. Sort of, after all our tech issues with our guest got sorted out).  

This topic is so relevant because the beginning of the year is the time when we’re INUNDATED with diet, fitness messaging and images.

But frankly, I think diet culture haunts us ALL year long, not just in the blatant advertising and “new year, new you” messaging. 

While I wish I could wave a wand and change the whole diet industry - actually - most industries right now haha – I can’t do that in this episode.

And the messaging I’m actually MORE interested in changing in today’s episode is how we talk to ourselves, and the messaging internally, often on repeat, because it’s often also haunting us. 

Maybe you’ll recognize some of these messages:

“I’ll book the family photos after I lose the last 10 pounds”. 

“I’ll go on a date when I can fit into my favourite dress.”

“I don’t want to do the hike until my body looks like the other hikes.”

For me, I’ve had a lot of these thoughts. I didn’t go live on Facebook for the longest time because I wanted to lose the last 10 pounds. 

I know I’m not the only one who thinks this or says these things. 

Some of these are conscious: through some coaching and some loving butt-kicks from my coach, I broke through the Facebook Live barrier. 

But how much of these thoughts - this PLAYING SMALL - is unconscious? 

I suspect a lot.

Here’s what I see:

Women are at war with food.

We’re trying to lose weight with restrictive dieting and “figuring out how to eat” so that we can THEN live life/accomplish our goals.

We think we need to lose weight before we can live our life fully and on purpose.  We put our dreams on hold. 

Today’s guest, Tracy Desjardins has always wanted to coach women holistically but didn’t think she’d be respected until she was the perfect size. 

And when she told me that, it really hit home:

How many other women worry they won’t be respected unless they’re a certain size?

How many want to compete in a 5k race, But are waiting. 

How many women want to go for a career change. But aren’t.

How many women aren’t sharing their gifts and talents, and leadership skills?

How many women aren’t showing up with their full selves and presence?

I mean, how many don’t get in photos with their kids… all because of their bodies?!

It’s heartbreaking. 

And it’s SO messed up!

Diets are normalized: so much so that people believe they’re essential for life.  

They also: spoiler alert - don't work long term and can perpetuate the cycle. 

Diet culture leaves us feeling ashamed of our eating habits AND we become disempowered because we don’t know how to find answers for our own health.

Dieting ends up consuming our time, mind, body, and energy — over living LIFE – creating, laughing, playing, and achieving the goals, dreams and desires we have <3 

And BECAUSE we fail at dieting (because it doesn’t work) - OR we view dieting as “failure. PERIOD” – this affects our self-perception. 

We feel shame and it robs us of self-trust and confidence in other areas of our life. WE are disempowered. It’s easy to stay safe and small and we wait to have our dream life until AFTER our successful diet. 

Well you can probably imagine I’m not going to stand for that - and I know if you’re here listening, neither are you. And today’s guest, Tracy, is here to help us get out of this downward spiral … and lift us up.

Tracy Desjardins is an International Health Coach, Mind Body Eating Coach, Fitness Professional and writer who specializes in holistic wellness coaching for women.

You’ll hear: 

  • Tracy’s three-decade journey with her food-body-self relationship, and how she sees this - and has lived - both the war and an opportunity

  • How dieting fuels toxicities like perfectionism, people pleasing, and lack ofself-worthh, robs us of our self-trust and dignity and how to DITCH the dieting

  • The transformative outcome and FREEDOM that comes with an empowered food-body-self relationship

  • How you can learn to trust yourself with food and stop obsessing about food

  • The 5 steps to becoming a Diet Free Diva - a pathway to excellence for yourself that includes Food, Body, Mind and Spirit. 

  • You’ll hear me challenge Tracy - and find out - is it just as easy as eating whatever I want?! What if I actually do want to lose weight? Will this work?! 

  • Advice on how to raise a child (in my case, a daughter) in this day and age with dieting so prevalent, starting as young as age 7

  • How self worth ties into all this and how working with a coach and having a community can truly transform this

You’ll stop trying to “fix yourself” with food, and instead, hear the potential of what’s possible when we all FREE ourselves of diet culture understanding that you do not need diets for weight loss and improved health. 

You’ll learn to trust yourself with food – and stop obsessing about food. 

You’ll learn how to find the answers to what works for you so you can trash the scale and measure healthy success in a different, more empowering way.

You’ll heal your relationship, and find peace with food – which can then help you get results, keep results and GET ON WITH LIFE!!  

And best of all - you’ll connect with your inner diva - your purpose, talent, gift — the REASON you’re on this earth!!!!! 

Friend, I invite you to: 

Just imagine: what’s possible when all the women of the world - humans of the world - take all that energy we’re wasting playing small and self conscious and direct it towards our TRUE best selves. 

If that vision doesn’t get you motivated and leap out of your chair excited yet, then I’ll leave that to the rest of this episode to do that.

Let’s get on with it – Here’s “Becoming diet-free divas and taking back our BEST Selves” with Tracy Desjardins.


Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Tracy’s three-decade journey with her food-body-self relationship, and how she sees this - and has lived - both the war and an opportunity ( 9:49)

  • How dieting fuels toxicities like perfectionism, people pleasing, and lack of self-worth, robs us of our self-trust and dignity and how to DITCH the dieting (40:27)

  • The 5 steps to becoming a Diet Free Diva - a pathway to excellence for yourself that includes Food, Body, Mind, and Spirit. (42:54)

  • Advice on how to raise a child (in my case, a daughter) in this day and age with dieting so prevalent, starting as young as age 7 (1:03:59)

  • How self-worth ties into all this and how working with a coach and having a community can truly transform this (1:11:07)

  • Rapid Fire with Tracy (1:22:16)


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Quotes to Share:

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“I encourage everyone get productively pissed about that because it's time for us to take ownership back from what we choose to focus on to what we believe in.” Tracy Desjardins

“The more diets I took on, the more they failed with a binge. The more the binges got bigger, the more shame and the more lack of trust and confidence I had in myself.” Tracy Desjardins

“I encourage everyone to get productively pissed about that because it's time for us to take ownership back from what we choose to focus on to what we believe in” Tracy Desjardins

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Thank you so much for listening.



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