7. The 4 questions to ask yourself - and answer - before you try any other time management hack

Do you ever feel like you have no time? No time after work? And no time for yourself?

Have you ever longed for work/life balance?

Have you ever wondered what tools, techniques and skills actually work for time management?

If you struggle with feeling like you don’t have enough time, your to-do list is never-ending… and time management techniques or productivity tips have never worked, then this podcast is for you. 


In today’s show, you’ll learn why time management is more complex than just implementing a few hacks. 

Get ready to ask yourself the 4 questions you need to answer before you try ANY other time management tip/hack/technique.

By the end of this episode saying you’ll stop trying to implement strategies that don’t work. 

Here’s my promise to you: you’ll have the clarity to know what deserves to be on your calendar and the courage to say “no” to the things that shouldn’t be there. 

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:



2:56 - Listener shout out to Rachel Harrison

6:00 - Question: What would you do with an extra 15 minutes a day? An hour a day? What did you do with the extra hour you just got?

7:24 - Why most time management strategies don’t work

13:14 - 4 questions to ask yourself before trying any time management techniques:  

13:43 - 1)  What’s your goal?

16:41 - 2)  What’s your actual capacity to work on your goal? 

  What kind of capacity does your goal require?

23:13 - 3)  Look at your energy and intention. How do you feel?

25:25 -  4) What is the best use of your time? Matrix - The Desire Zone.

32:18 - Your Challenge 

32:35  - What to expect for Episodes 8 + 9 (Part 2 and Part 3 of this Time Management Series)


Listen here:


This episode is Part 1 of our 3 Part Series: All the Time in the World. Check out Episode 8 and Episode 9 for more insights, mindset shifts, and yes, strategies that will work (but only AFTER you’ve answered these questions, and uncovered any mindsets that need to shift).

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If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing. I’d also love it if you left a review (you can click here), and shared this podcast with a friend, coworker, family member or anyone else you adore that needs to hear this. 


And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Those reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast. Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!


Goalden Girls Community:  Join the waitlist here:  www.lisamichaud.com/community  

To decide on 1 goal:

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode 3 - The 5 biggest goal-setting mistakes you’re making 

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode 4 - How to get clarity when you have big dreams and no idea where to start

The One Thing by Gary Keller:   

Understanding your Desire Zone/Zone of Genius/Zone of Awesome:

Michael Hyatt - Achieving more while doing less on Amy Porterfield’s Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast  - https://www.amyporterfield.com/2019/04/258/.  

Free to Focus - Michael Hyatt summary:  https://blog.12min.com/free-to-focus-pdf-summary/  

Source: https://blog.12min.com/free-to-focus-pdf-summary/

Shoutout to Mary at Organized Sound Productions. Mary is the Podcast Strategist and Voice Coach who coached me to create Goalden Girls Podcast and specifically, the intro and outro.

Follow along with her for amazing tips on all things recording, podcast, and voice here:

Insta: @organizedsoundproductions: - https://www.instagram.com/organizedsoundproductions/

Facebook: Organized Sound Productions - https://www.facebook.com/OrganizedSoundProductions/

Oh and if you’re looking for some amazing voice-over work, she’s got a GREAT voice. I know you’ll love her as much as I do.

Lisa’s Favourite Time Management Books:  

Here are some fantastic books to get you started on your personal quest for time management.  Heads up: few of these resources address the whole picture (who you are, what season of life you’re in, what capacity you have, the size of the goals you’re working on, your mindset, any people pleasing/perfectionism/overachieving tendencies) —  but they are still great reads. Maybe one day I’ll write a book on time management that addresses all the factors.

168 Hours by Laura Vanderkam

Getting Things Done by David Allen

The 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris

Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte

Connect with Lisa:


Goalden Girls Community:  Join the waitlist here:  www.lisamichaud.com/community  

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 


Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/


Additional Resources: http://www.lisamichaud.com/goodies

Quotes to Share:


Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


Podcast - Episode 7- Instagram Quote.png

There is nothing more inefficient than trying to “time manage” or “productivity hack” something you shouldn’t do. -- Lisa Michaud 


Stop turning your can-do list into your to-do list.  Lisa Michaud   




Thank you so much for listening.




PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.