4. How to get clarity if you have lots of dreams and no idea where to start

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all of your dreams and have no idea where to start?


If that sounds like you, then this episode is meant for you. 


Let’s be honest - if you’re feeling overwhelmed, chances are you’re not doing anything to move forward. We need clarity and focus to know where to start on the path to our big - and small - dreams. In today’s show, I’ll give you 3 guiding principles to take in order to figure out exactly where you need to start when chasing your dreams - and I’ll give you a hint: it’s about doing less, not more. 

I’ll also talk about the 3 steps that you can take to tackle - and achieve - all your goals with more confidence, clarity, and sanity.

By the end of this episode, you’ll have exactly what you need to focus on for the next 30 days to get your dreams off the ground. You’ve got everything you need today, to get started, so go chase those dreams!


Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:


6:40 - The First Guiding Principle: It’s a marathon, not a sprint 

7:58 - The Second Guiding Principle: You don’t need to have it all figured out

8:13 - The Third Guiding Principle: Mindset matters more than strategy

9:58 - The First Step: Decide what’s most important to you

13:36 - The Second Step: Get focused!

18:02 - The Third Step: Clear your calendar

25:00 - How to say no with love

26:30 - Recap


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You’re meant for more - go get it! It’s time to tap into your best self and truly, have it all! 


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Grab the 10 questions to uncover your dreams guide: www.lisamichaud.com/uncoveryourdreams


Don’t miss the List of 100 Dreams Exercise: www.lisamichaud.com/100dreams


Grab The One Thing Book by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan: https://amzn.to/2TojqOZ


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Additional Resources: http://www.lisamichaud.com/goodies


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Notable Quotes:

Podcast - Episode 4 - Instagram Quote.png


The best way to honour a dream in your heart is by giving it the time in your calendar. -- Lisa Michaud


Not knowing where to start is no longer an excuse. It’s time to get started. -- Lisa Michaud


I give you permission to get it wrong. It might not be perfect. But if you never get started, you’ll never know. -- Lisa Michaud


Progress matters so much more over perfection. -- Lisa Michaud


Thank you so much for listening.




PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.