37. 11 ways to manage - and even thrive - when you’re feeling overwhelmed, scared, exhausted, and anxious about a second lockdown (and truthfully wish you could flee to anywhere Covid doesn’t exist)

I hate that I have to record an episode on this. I wish we weren’t here. Most of all I wish it wasn’t so heavy right now in the world - I mean - seriously, there is SO much going on!!

But - here we are - and I’m hearing from so many of you that you’re feeling:


You’re struggling. You’re tired. You’re anxious…afraid...and unsure of what’s next.

And in the middle of this uncertainty - you’re still expected to do your job, run your business, be a mom, be a leader… not to mention take care of what YOU want and need.

I want to start by saying this; I know there’s a lot of struggle out there right now. My intention is not to minimize the hurt or grief or stress you’re experiencing.

It’s real - it’s valid, and it matters. YOU MATTER.

This episode is here to share 11 ways that you can start to thrive, even during this difficult and uncertain time.

To be clear: This isn’t about toxic positivity - and I’ll talk about that.

This isn’t about pretending crap isn’t happening all around you - or that it isn’t hard.

My promise to you is this: by the end of this episode, you’ll be able to take a deep breath and give yourself some grace.

You’ll have some ideas on how you can both a) address and express the concerns, emotions, grief you’re feeling, and b) proactively and intentionally find ways to feel more of the GOOD things in life.

I’m an eternal optimist, a rose-coloured glasses kinda girl: So while I know that there’s hardships, and I acknowledge them and want you to do the same…

I also know you come to me, to my podcast, and to my community for authenticity, honest conversations, REALness…and also for positivity, light, optimism and leadership in seeing the good.

So that’s what this episode is about: helping you navigate the messy and uncertain and painful things - while also moving through to where you can feel somewhat normal, and also excited about things. Grateful. Calm and rested. Connected to those who matter.

So you can feel present to what is - and in charge of what you can control - and that’s your experience and the story you’re writing today.

While I can’t change what’s going on in the world, I hope me sharing the things that have helped me can help you to leave this episode feeling more inspired, more KIND to yourself (and others) - and more positive, even when things feel hard.

That’s a tall order - but I’m ready for it if you are. Let’s get started.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Listener shoutout 5:30

  • Tips to thrive, even during uncertain times

    • Check in with yourself 7:40

    • Focus on what you can control 9:25

    • Feel your feelings 12:55

    • Limit your media exposure 22:15

    • Be intentional with how you feel 25:45

    • Create things to look forward to 27:45

    • Ask for help when you need it 31:45

    • Do something kind for someone else 34:05

    • Create connection 35:45

    • Make self-care a non-negotiable 38:00

    • Give yourself grace 40:35

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“Toxic positivity will catch up with you eventually.” - Lisa Michaud

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Thank you so much for listening.



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