Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #66 - Flow, Breathwork, and Connecting with Yourself with Aditja Jaykumar (Part 1)

It’s impossible to talk about modern life these days and our experiences - especially in 2022 and going into our third year of a pandemic - without acknowledging the burnout, stress, grief, anxiety, imposter syndrome, and unhappiness that is being felt.

There’s a collective desire to move away from the negative - anxiety, burnout, grief, creative blocks - and create more of the really GREAT things in life (think presence, creativity, vision, joy, bliss and purpose!)

I know I’m not alone in wanting to find more simple, holistic ways of creating the beautiful moments in life.

Today, I’m joined by Aditjya Jaykumar, Certified Breathwork Practitioner and host of the My Seven Chakras Podcast, a podcast with over 6 million downloads. He’s worked with entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, Hollywood directors, and corporations with the goal to bring the numerous benefits of breathwork into the workplace - and today, to you.

As goal getters, it’s easy to keep moving the goalpost. You’ve run a half marathon and next you want a PB (and that never ends). If you’re building a social media following, you hit 10,000 followers, now you want 100,000. You hit 6-figures, then you want more.

There’s nothing wrong with being ambitious and having goals. In fact, I’m ALL about it.

But also, it’s so important to recognize that there’s so much beauty in this moment and if we’re in a constant hustle state, no matter what we have, we will never receive what we ultimately want in life - which is for most of us, to live it - to feel a sense of inner purpose, peace, happiness, fulfillment, and joy.

If we continue to chase, chase, chase, there’s no end. And while there can be purpose in the chase, chase on its own comes up empty.

In the last few years, we’ve also become intimately aware of how many things are OUTSIDE of our control. Travel, gatherings, events, business, relationships, have ALL been unpredictable over the last few years. For this reason, as challenging as it is, I believe it’s incredibly important to be able to tap into deeper levels of healing, transformation, and satisfaction.

What I’ve found in the last few years, is that when you can no longer be distracted by travel, events, business, or life, it leaves space for what’s really inside you.

And - on the flipside - when you can no longer achieve your goals the way you imagined them then it’s extra important to figure out how to create that joy, purpose and bliss, even when it feels “impossible” and outside of your control.

My interview with Aditya was JUICY and in fact, we broke it into THREE episodes.

In this podcast episode, you’ll hear about FLOW – what it is, why it’s important, and how it can add to your life.

You’ll learn:

  • How do you distinguish FLOW versus presence?

  • What the benefits of flow are (including accessing intuition, feeling calm and achieving a state of bliss - YES PLEASE!)

  • What happens when you’re in flow?

  • How do you know you’re IN flow?

  • How does FLOW affect time and how playfulness ties in?

  • You’ll also learn about the nervous system and its two states, and how to optimize your body’s experience in both.

In our next two episodes, Aditya explores and shares wisdom on some of the best modalities out there to create flow and achieve nervous system balance to reduce anxiety, and create more creativity, fulfillment, and bliss in your life.

You’ll learn how to calm your mind, relax your nervous system and experience deep states of bliss.

Aditya and I talk about Qigong, floatation tanks, cold exposure, and more. Of course, we also talk about breathwork and he will be leading us through a beautiful practice you can try if you’re new - or experienced - with breathwork.

Friend… this is going to be a good one because you’re going to walk away with simple, practical, proven evidence-based techniques and methods to improve the quality of your life and notice a paradigm shift in how you look at - and LIVE - your life.

Also, it’s impossible to talk about simple strategies and ancient wisdom without getting deeply spiritual, so we’re going there - we get real spiritual in this conversation. There’s a chance not everything will make sense right away. I was like that with Eckhart Tolle. When I first read his books 15 years ago they meant nothing to me. It was words on a page, and that’s it. I couldn’t absorb or understand the text, let alone the hype and life-changing experience everyone was talking about.

But now, all these years later, I get it. The words speak to me, and I can hear the message and am available to absorb it.

Since then, I’ve realized that this is very common in my spiritual journey - and it may be the same for you.

Basically what I believe is this: you can only absorb the information you’re available for. The awareness you’re ready for will appear when you’re ready for it.

Not everyone is prepared for it - Just like I wasn’t all those years ago, and just like not everyone is prepared for an ocean dip.

Sometimes we have to hear a concept several times to really let it land for us. Sometimes it takes years for it to fully be interpreted and understood at the right moment.

But I will say this: you don't have to understand, align with, agree, or believe everything Aditya or I share. I mean - spoiler alert – this is true for ALL of life.

And that’s OK. I know our world right now makes it seem like something is either good, bad, pro, anti, left, right, true, false, aligned, or not aligned. And that’s just not the truth.

I invite you to come to this episode - all episodes - and especially, your life, ready to receive. Ready to listen.

And be A-OK if not everything resonates - there’s nothing wrong with you, or with us for sharing. It doesn’t mean you’re “not spiritual enough” or that what we’re sharing doesn’t have some truth or purpose for it.

If you’re someone who struggles with trust - this might be a great practice for you.

Listen up Goalden Girl! In this episode, you’ll learn how to calm your mind, relax your nervous system, and experience deep states of bliss.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • What made Aditya want to get into real estate. (12:40)

  • What it means to be in flow. (15:30)

  • What flow isn’t and how our brains work. (18:30)

  • The concept of time dilation. (21:30)

  • The difference between flow and presence. (23:30)

  • What gets Aditja into flow. (29:50)

  • The benefits of being in flow. (32:25)

  • How our nervous system works. (37:55)

  • Why we need to take back our control. (50:20)

  • Where bliss and playfulness fit into the equation. (54:28)


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Aditja Jaykumar:

Free Breathwork Session with Aditya –  mysevenchakras.com/breathworkexperience (Promo: HEAL2022)

Books & Resources:


Supplementary Goalden Girls Podcast episodes:

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“Your home is deeply connected to energetics.” - Aditja Jaykumar

“If we have a self then we are not the future and we are not the past.” - Aditja Jaykumar

“We become the work that we are doing. We are not the doer, we are the work and the person who is doing the work as well.” - Aditja Jaykumar

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Thank you so much for listening.



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