
It's August 1st. Get FIRED up!

August 1st is here!!  

You’re officially 7 months down, with 5 months to go in 2019. 

If you’re looking at the date wondering how (no, really, HOW) is it August 1st, you’re not the only one. 

Before you panic and either a) give up on your goals and hope for better luck in 2020 or b) cancel your vacation and use caffeine as a substitute for sleep, read this email, and watch this video to pump you up. 

Looking for some inspiration that doesn’t make you feel a) hopeless or b) exhausted? 

This is for you. 

Over the last few days, I’ve been listening to you, and hearing what you’re wondering. 

You still have goals and dreams. 

You still want to grow your business. 

You still want to get consistent about exercise. 

You still want to land your dream job. 

You still want to start your book/blog/art class/learning Italian.


If you’re being honest, you’re not sure if you have time to add ONE more thing to your already jammed to-do list.  

You are curious about whether you should pay for goal-setting and personal development. I mean, isn’t it on the internet, right now, for free?!  

You’re not sure if now is the right time. 

You’re still in summer mode… and maybe you haven’t even taken vacation yet.  Is this REALLY the right time to be signing up for something that will take you away from pools, patios parks and happy hours? 

Maybe you should just wait for the next time the doors open. 

You’ve seen the results from our Goalden Girls Community, and what’s possible for you. 

But you’ve got a few last questions.

And you want to know if this will work for you, and what’s involved. 

I want you to make the right decision for you. 

And to help you do that, if you’re thinking about joining Goalden Girls Community, here are a few stories from our Community members that will inspire you, whether you decide to join or not. 

Inspiring Story #1: “But Lisa, my dreams aren’t big. Will I even fit in with a group like this?”

Big or small, your dreams are your own. And whether you have big dreams or not, Goalden Girls Community is about honouring what’s in your heart and helping you achieve it. 

Like Laura. Who had quietly started her business but was afraid to really talk about it with anyone. She wasn’t sure what her family would think - what if she failed?  Who did she think she was to start a business? 

She was having fun, and even getting successful, but was terrified to share with her family and friends what she was up to. 

For two months she put it off. Procrastinated. Was afraid. Made excuses. 

Until she got inspired in Goalden Girls Community, set the intention, and got the accountability she needed. 

And finally, she went live on Facebook to talk about her business.  She was nervous, but soon, she got in a groove, and her video was a HIT! 

She was blown away by the support of her family and friends, and felt awesome being able to be open about what she was up to and share her exciting new business. 

Is doing a Facebook Live a “big dream”?  Maybe.  Or Maybe not.  It doesn’t matter. 

What matters is that you set the intention and get the accountability it takes to really, truly take action towards what you want. 

That’s the power of Goalden Girls Community. 

Inspiring Story #2:  “Goal-setting is supposed to be easy. I’m sure I can figure it out on my own.” 

Have you ever thought this before?

Yes, we all learned about SMART goals in high school. 

But let’s be honest. How well is that working for you?

If it worked, we’d all be millionaires with six-packs living on a beach in Mexico, am I right?!

Let me tell you about Danielle, who knew she didn’t love her job but wasn’t sure what was next. 

She started dabbling in personal development two years ago. 

For two years, she tried to figure it out. 

She read books. Watched videos. Journaled. And got frustrated. 

She thought there was something wrong with her.  Why couldn’t she figure it out?

Her inner critic was roaring and ready to go.  “You’re not smart enough.”  

“You can’t figure it out.” 

“What’s wrong with you?!”

After two years of being stuck, and frustrated, she decided to join Goalden Girls. 

Within one week, she had major breakthroughs.  In one month, she had a plan.  

In two months, she landed a new job that she LOVED and got her excited about going to work, just like she wanted.

Since then, she has gained confidence, clarity and is even closer to her dream career than ever before.

But if Danielle hadn’t decided that she needed some support, she would still be stuck. 

She would still be dreading her Mondays. She would still be frustrated, and blaming herself, thinking there was something wrong with her because she couldn’t set goals herself. 

Don’t get stuck in this trap:  no-one does it alone.  

There’s a reason most of the world’s most incredible CEOs, leaders, athletes, salespeople, non-profit executives, actors, and musicians have coaches. 

It’s because we all need support, outside perspective, and to learn from an expert. And as a coach, I teach YOU to become your own best expert.

In Goalden Girls Community, you get expertise, training, and support, each and every month, to move you closer to your goals and get you excited about what you’re working on.  

Don’t wait two years, or six months or two days.  

Don’t stay in a job you hate longer than you have to. 

Don’t dread Mondays.

Don’t let your inner critic take over and let you think there’s something wrong with you.

Join Goalden Girls and get inspired to take action on goal-setting strategies that REALLY work! 

Inspiring Story #3:  “I’m already overwhelmed with all the things.”

Ok, I tackled a lot of this yesterday and you can read about it here

But just to sum it up for you:

Goalden Girls Community is NOT about “more”.  It’s about the RIGHT things. It’s about FOCUS.

Inspiring Story #4:  “I’ll join next time.”

Look, I’d LOVE to have you, anytime, but this is why you should join now. 

First of all, the price will increase the next time registration opens (and why not start the savings now?!). 

More importantly: Why wait to get results until later? 

Meet Lucy. 

Lucy was still in the hospital after a traumatic surgery when the registration to Goalden Girls opened in May. 

Lucy knew she wouldn’t be able to participate actively for a short period of time in the beginning because she would be in recovery. 

She considered putting it off and waiting to join “at a better time”. 

But she decided to take advantage of the opportunity and join today. 

Lucy used the fact that she had just gone through a tough time, and was about to start a challenging recovery as the REASON to invest in Goalden Girls

She used the fact that there was no time she needed support, encouragement and tools more than right now and decided to jump in. 

What could have been an excuse became her reason for joining. 

Lucy decided to start the next chapter in her life feeling elevated, excited and empowered. 

In the last two months, she has gone from feeling alone, to feeling strong and confident. 

She was in a low place, and turned that into a high point in her life where she can succeed now. 

Her message to me this week was simple:  “I appreciate you and the group so so so much, and it’s already made SUCH a dramatic change in my attitude and energy.” 

*Cue the tears, right over here*

Your EXCUSE for why now isn’t the right time, is also your reason for why NOW is the PERFECT time. 

Why wait to feel more empowered?

Why wait to gain confidence?

What’s the price you put on feeling less overwhelmed… today? 

How amazing will it feel to look back in two months when registration opens again, and have already launched your side-hustle?

When registration opens again, you’ll be SO glad you didn’t wait because you’ll already be on the path to your success, no matter what your definition is. 

“But does it really work?”

Don’t just believe me.  Read the words of our Goalden Girls Community members here. 

Inspiring Story #5:   My budget is tight right now. I don’t think I can afford this.   And can’t I find this on the internet for free right now?

Yes, you 100% can.  And if you cannot pay your mortgage, and are truly struggling to get by, you should NOT invest in this program. 

If you are truly struggling to pay for food or rent, this program is not for you, right now.  

But in this video I recorded yesterday, at the 13-minute mark, I share the inspiring story of Vania, an incredible and inspiring powerhouse who was in that position and got herself out of it.

You start where you are, with what you have. 

But if you’ve ever thought “I can’t afford it” or “it’s too expensive”... but deep down you know you COULD find a way, watch the video from the beginning. 

I can relate, 100%.  

Yes, me, Success Coach and self-made millionaire:  I still get caught in telling myself “I can’t afford it” when the truth is, I absolutely can. 

Millionaire or not, 99% of you reading this CAN afford it. 

It’s $37/month - less than what you’re paying for your iPhone, less than your cell phone plan, your daily coffees, diapers, kids’ activities and just one happy hour a month. 

And it’s time to shift your mindset, your priorities, and find a way so you CAN afford it. 

Trying to do it alone is overwhelming.  

And yes, it’s all on the internet but if you’ve ever gotten lost and simply paralyzed because there is TOO much stuff on the internet, you’re not the only one. In fact, I wrote this for you yesterday and you can read about it here

Start by doing something different.

Join Goalden Girls Community for only $37/month before the price increases. 

I want you to make the best decision for you and I truly hope these stories inspire you to take action in your life today. 

If you’re ready, join Goalden Girls Community today before the doors close at midnight tonight PST. 

And if you still have questions, shoot me an email or message on Social Media and I’m happy to reply to you.  I will answer any and all questions so you make the right decision for YOU!

Thanks for reading. Thanks for letting me and our Goalden Girls inspire you.

Go turn those dreams into reality!



Without these 3 letters, you'll never reach your dreams

It started with crying elephant tears in bed.   The kind of tears that you can hardly breathe through. Instead of taking in air, I was basically yelping. It was not my finest moment.


Those kind of tears don’t happen very often.  But when they do, you can bet it’s because something really heart-breaking is going on with me.



I.  Have.   No.   Friends. 



The words could hardly come out amid the yelping, panting, sobbing mess I had become.


This is how my year of no excuses started.  My own year of yes (even before Shonda Rhimes’ book came out). 


I pretence this story with a word of caution.  I believe it is important it is to say no.  Because we all have to say no at one point or another.  If you’re an economics person, you know this as opportunity cost.  If you’re a regular human, you know you have to say no because there’s only 24 hours in a day.


This isn’t a story to encourage you to become a type-A workaholic.  Or a people-pleaser.



This is about saying yes to YOU.  Saying yes to your dreams.  Saying yes to what you want.



So back to me being a yelping, sobbing mess. 



I had left all my friends and family behind and moved to Northern Alberta about a year and a half before.  I had found a pretty awesome job.  I was crazy-in-love with the man I had moved to be with.  We had recently bought our first house together and it was a dream house.  We had an incredible 15 friends come help us move which is incredible on it’s own. Things were good.  Things were great even!


But this particular Friday night, I laid in bed crying.  Troy was working early the next morning so around 9pm, we headed to bed.  (I know, I’m a wild woman).  As we lay there, snuggling, I suddenly found myself very unhappy.  I told Troy I had no friends.  I was lost.  I missed home. I wanted to move home.  Did I?  I don’t know.  I was confused. All I knew was that I was lonely. 


At the same time I was texting.  Modern attention deficit problems - exhibit A.


Through the tears, the words, me telling him how miserable I was, I was texting.


At one point, he asked me who I was texting. I told him I was texting Danielle.  My friend Danielle.


He asked “what’s she texting you about?”


“She’s heading to a patio for drinks and wants me too join.”


It wasn’t long after those words came out of my mouth that I realized my own fallacy.  Yet I can always count on Troy to bring it up.


Wait a minuteyou’re laying in bed crying that you have no friends? And at the same time, you are texting your friends and telling them you don’t want to hang out?

Lisa this is insane. 


Yup.  It was.  It made zero sense.  And yet it was the jolt that I needed.


From that moment, I committed to stop using excuses.  The excuse of being too tired on a Friday night.  The excuse of not being interested in a particular hobby or activity.  The excuse that I wanted to spend more time with Troy.   Because while they may have been true, they weren’t going to get me any closer to what I wanted.


If I wanted friends (and I really, really did), I was going to have to let go of the excuses and just say yes! 


So for the next year, I committed to saying yes every time someone asked me to hang out.  I said yes and just went for it.  I didn’t have to love everything I went to or tried. I didn’t have to be best friends with everyone I met.  Heck, I could even try to be home by 9pm if I really wanted.   BUT I was going to try and that made all the difference.


When I stopped making excuses, I had unbelievable experiences.

I joined a Couch to 5km group and started running.

I made some awesome friends of friends that became my friends.

I volunteered and helped grow my community.

I traveled to Iceland with 20 friends, 2 weeks before our wedding.   

I found my people. I built incredible, lifelong friendships.




Because I said yes. 


I said yes to my dreams. My hopes. My desire for friendships.


I said no to being too tired. To making excusesTo feeling sorry for myself.



I said no to having a pity party. I said yes to (a whole lot of) real parties. 



Now it’s your turn.



What are you saying no to that you should be saying yes to? 



What dream are you letting hide behind your fears?   What do you deeply desire that you are not getting in your life because you are saying no to it?   Where are you stuck in your life because your excuses are taking over



Say yes to hanging out with someone you don’t know.


Say yes to that project at work that excites you (even if you don’t know exactly how to do every step).


Say yes to booking that trip you’ve been dying to.


Say yes to going to that yoga class at the new studio.


Say yes to starting a blog.


Say yes to applying for a new job because you hate the one you’re in.


Say yes to starting that business.


Say yes to taking a night course because you know it’d bring joy to you.



Say yes to getting a babysitter and having date night.  Every Friday. Every month.  Whatever you need.


And say YES to continuing to say YES. 

Commit to saying yes to making friends and being in great company. 

Yes to doing work that excites and engages you. 

Yes to visiting the places of your dreams. 

Yes to a healthy body.

Yes to stretching and challenging your mind. 

Yes to nurturing love in your life.   




I can’t wait to hear about what you say YES to!





PS.  If you’ve been debating saying yes to coaching, it’s time to shed that fear too.  It’s up to you to say yes and contact me for a free discovery session.  There’s no pressure. No sales.  This is about us chatting to see if we connect and if we can make your dreams come true together.  If you’re reading this and have a nagging feeling that I’m talking to you, I probably am.  What do you have to lose?  (Hopefully my story has taught you – nothing).    Who knows – it could be the call that changes your life like my “yes” did!