Don't know how to achieve your big dreams? This is for you

I’ve built my entire business, brand and truthfully, my life around the belief that you can have it all.



I’ve read the articles from so many people saying you can’t have it all.



That it’s not possible.



And I’ve shunned them all. For good reason.



Because I truly DO believe it’s possible. (Not convinced? Read this).



I have big dreams.



I have a really big goal.



My goal is to become a 7-figure entrepreneur.



My dream is to run a muti-million dollar business that changes the lives of millions of women and empowers them to have it all.



I want a million dollar business because of the impact I know I will make at that level.



And I want to challenge myself to become the woman who creates a multi-million dollar business from scratch, with all the growth and tenacity and intelligence it’s going to take.



But right now, if we’re being honest, I have no idea how to achieve it.



I don’t know all the steps, and I’m not sure what’s next.



Can you relate?



Do your dreams ever feel overwhelming?



Do you ever feel like you can’t achieve your goals because you don’t know HOW you will do it?



This message is for you, my friend.



Right now in my journey, am in a pinch point. I’m in a period of challenge.



I’m at the point where I, once again, need to test and prove that it’s possible to have it allfor myself and others.



My mission is to show others how it’s possible and WHAT is possible (having it all). Including having a multi-million dollar business.



My goal is not “realistic”.



It’s ok if yours isn’t either.



I’m not sure how I’m going to achieve it.



I’m sharing this with you in hopes that this will inspire you to also go for something you don’t know how to achieve.  



If you want it, that’s enough. Have the courage to want it, even if you don’t know how.  



If your goals and dreams look hard, and you’re not sure how you’re going to achieve it, that’s ok.



If others are saying it’s not possible, that’s not your problem.



It’s a part of the process: to be challenged.



Rising up from that challenge is what matters.



So here it is: my next goal is to create a thriving, 7 figure business that empowers women to have it all, on their terms.  While also being a fabulous mom and wife and human myself.



I’ve seen other women do it.



I’ve told other women they can do it.


I preach this sh*t.



And yet for me, some days, it’s still so hard to see HOW.



I look at my life and wonder how it’s possible for ME.



Little, old me.



I’m just a small-town girl.



I’m already so “busy”.  I solo parent for 14 days at a time.



I have family.  A real estate business I also lead.



How am I going to do it?



How will I do while also enjoying motherhood?!



And sleepcan I still do that?



But these are the voices of my inner critic who’s not sure if I can do it.



This is my self-doubt creeping up, anxious because I don’t know “how”.



Have you ever heard yourself say these things too?


Have you wondered these same things?



These are all reasons why it’s not possible.



And let me tell you, if all you look at is “how it’s not possible”, you will stay stuck.



The key here, is to start asking HOW is it possible?



So…. how IS it possible?



It’s possible if I make a commitment to myself.



I’ve been doing soul searching and I know I need to make a commitment to me.



That means committing to myself and my body.



This means exercise 5 days a week. Even if it’s a walk, a dance party, an online 10 minute Tabata workshop on YouTube. Because I’m the foundation for all good things I create and lead.



This means committing to meditating twice daily. Because if I don’t have time for this, I’m not living a life.



Your commitments might be different, but these are mine.



How it’s possible for you might look different for you, but this is how it’s possible for me.



It’s possible for me to create a multi-million dollar business that changes lives if I put my own priorities first and stop letting other people’s priorities take precedent to mine.



It’s possible if I don’t reply to every text, phone call, Instagram/Facebook message and comment.



(Honestly, I’m already not great at this but I know I have to get even worse!).



It’s possible if I commit 2 hours, 5 days a week to work after Sonoma’s gone to bed.



It’s possible if I surround myself with a community of other driven women who are doing the things I want to be doing.



It’s possible if I invest in a coach and course that will accelerate my growth and progress.



It’s possible if I co-work with other moms. And take advantage of the amazing InsideOut Fam coworking space in Vancouver.



It’s possible if I hire a nanny share. If I put my money where my mouth is and I invest in myself.



It’s possible if I do baby-sitting swaps.



It’s possible by recognizing that I might fail. And that’s ok.



It’s possible if I fail.  Fail fast. And KEEP going.



You see, I have a lot on the line.



This is a test.



Not just for myself.



But for you, too.



What I realized is that I cannot fail.



And neither can you.



I can redefine.



I can pivot.



I can take longer than I originally thought.



But I will crush it out of the park.



And so can you.



So if you don’t know the “how” for your dreams, that’s ok.



Start asking “how is it possible?” and get a few answers down on paper.



Then, start taking action on those.



Keep asking how it’s possible. Keep taking action.



You too, might fail.



You too can pivot. Redesign.



And the only way you’d ever fail is if you never tried at all.



Don’t let the how hold you back.



Get started today.



Those big dreams that you and I have?



They’re ours for a reason.



Let’s go get ‘em.