6 months to go. What are you doing with them?

Is it just me or does it feel like the first 6 months of the year FLEW by?!

I can hardly believe it’s already July. 

You might hate me for saying this but before you know it, December will be here and you’ll be looking at your year wondering where the year went… and why you didn’t achieve your goals.

Unless you do this: 

Take 30 minutes today, or tomorrow, and check in. 

For those of us in North America, summer hits, and motivation melts away as quickly as the ice in your drink. 

The next 6 months are what separate you from feeling disappointed at yet another year that’s gone by without you feeling the way you wanted to this year and NOT achieving what you set out to….. 


 Ending 2019 on an incredible high, feeling proud, strong, and capable of anything. 

Which one do you want to be?

Oh come on. We all know the answer. 

You want to finish the year feeling strong, energized, alive and proud!

So how do you do that?

Take 30 minutes today, or tomorrow, and check in. 

Yes, you:  MAKE the time.

Don’t tell me you don’t have 30 minutes in the next two days. 

Shut off social media if you have to. Don’t check Instagram every 8 minutes.  (Ya, I see you!). 

Take 30 minutes and go through this process. 

Here's where you're going to start:

  1.  Reflect on the last 6 months:

  • Look at your goals and where you're at are. 

Are you ahead of your goal? Great. Keep the gas pedal on. Don't give up now.

Are you behind where you expected to be? That's okay. Have an honest conversation with yourself about what you can actually achieve in the next 6 months.

Now, it's up to you to balance this.  Balance what you can realistically achieve with what you know you could do if you pushed yourself.

  • How are you feeling about your progress?  How did you show up? 

How you feel and how you showed up says a lot about the progress you’re making and if you’re in alignment with what you’re truly meant to do in life. 

Don’t skip this step. Don’t ignore if something doesn’t feel right. 

Tap into your self-awareness and do what you need for you to feel incredible in your life. 

  • Ready to go all in? This will take you more than 30 minutes but do a Calendar Audit, as John Maxwell recommends.  

Look at how you spent your time - literally open up your calendar (digital or physical) and ask yourself:

  • Was that a good use of my time?

  • What’s missing that should have been there?

  • What’s there that should have been deleted?

  • What will I do differently in the next 6 months?

Learn all about John’s process here. 

2)   Get clear about what the one thing you're going to focus on for this rest of 2019 is.

I know, we all hate focusing. Especially as overachievers. 

But if what you’re doing hasn't worked for you so far in 2019 then you need to try something different for the rest of 2019.

Choose one thing to focus on, one thing is going to move the needle in your life from where you are today to who you want to be.

3)   Plan the next 6 months. 

  • Identify the action steps and milestones it will take for you to get there.

What will it take for you to achieve your goal?

If you have a less tangible or structured goal, what will it take for you to become that woman and feel the way you want to feel?

Make a plan. Decide what you’ll say “no” to, and commit to the real “yes’s”. 

  • Make time for fun

Sadly, I know it’s not just me that struggles to make time for fun.  When life is zooming along, and you’re hustling, you can forget to make time for a vacation. A day at the beach. Date nights with your partner. 

The truth is that this life isn’t just about achieving: it’s about living, each day.

Plan for fun. 

Right now, put your vacations in your calendar if you haven’t already done it.

Do you want to see your friends or family more? Send a message today and make a date. 

Book your ticket for a concert, make the dinner reservation for the restaurant you’ve been dying to make and reserve the babysitter.  Make. It. Happen.

  • Create time and space for learning

Ask yourself:   what skill or knowledge would help me get to the next level?

Then, learn it.

It can be as easy as dedicating 30 minutes a week to go on YouTube and watch videos about this topic.

Maybe you need to look for an online course or course at your local College to learn more about public speaking or bookkeeping.

One of my personal favourites? Going to conferences. If there's somebody you love to follow online, look and see if they have an event or if they are speaking at an event that you can go to.

 Make time for learning in whatever capacity that means for you.

  • Block that time for your goals, learning AND fun

Yep, get into your calendar (physical or digital) and block the time.

 Set a recurring event for your workouts.

 Block out one night a month or two or four for date night.

 Block out a weekend for a conference.

If you have a big goal, block out the time to achieve: 5 hours a week, 10 hours a week, 20 hours a week - as much as you can.

Does that sound like a lot?


But your goals and your dreams are worth it.

  • Identify and get the support you need.

No one does it alone. That's just the truth.

 Who will you need to get help from and support along the way?

 Your boss? A colleague? Do you need an accountability partner? Coach? Mentor?

Do you need your partner to do more work around the house so you can focus on your goals?

Can you save for a cleaner twice a month and put that time aside for your goal?

Will you join a community like Goalden Girls Community to get you the right tools, support, motivation and learning?  Obviously I’m biased, but I hope you do! 

(PS. Make sure you’re on the waitlist for Goalden Girls Community when registration opens again!  

Get clear about what kind of support you will need and then ask for it. 


That was a lot. I know. 

The worst thing you could do?

Give up. 

Assume that because you haven’t done it yet, you won’t ever be able to. 

Trust me: I know that temptation. I had a day last week where I felt down on myself and wondered “can I really do this?”  

If you’ve wondered “am I good enough?” 

“Is this really meant for me?”

You’re not alone.

What I had to do - and what you have to do - is dig deep.

Dig deep and tap into why you set those goals you did.

How do you want to feel? Who do you want to become? What life do you want to be living?

And if you still want that? 

Then you can NOT give up.

My friend, if you’re ready to step into your power, pump up the gas on your goals, and make ANYTHING possible, listen up.

If you’ve read this far, you get me - and I get you.

For a SUPER limited time, there are currently two one-on-one coaching spots available right now for us to work together. 

If you are ready to invest in yourself, shift your mindset and most importantly, what’s possible for YOU, it’s your time. 

Get in touch and book a Discovery Call with me, Lisa Michaud, and we’ll find out where you’re at, and if I can genuinely help you.  

(Trust me, I’ll always tell the truth - and if I’m not the right coach for you, I’ll refer you to someone in my incredible network). 

Listen to me - you can NOT give up now.

Keep the intention strong. Keep your foot on the gas, and keep moving forward. 

Make 2019 your BEST year ever!