Stop feeling deflated, discouraged and overwhelmed with your goals and progress so far.

Are you ready to feel motivated and excited again - FAST?



Join Your Year In Review Masterclass to celebrate and be ready to experience the energy, refresh and reset you need to make this your BEST year ever!



But sometimes you doubt your greatness, and wonder if anyone will listen, or if you're good enough.


You don't give yourself enough credit - but it feels like there's no time to slow down or you'll fall behind.


You know you're meant for more.


But you don't know how to get there.


You're starting to realize you can't do it alone and you just need some support to get there.



Introducing Your Year in Review Masterclass

A proven reflection program designed to help you close the chapter on the past year, celebrate how far you've come, extract the lessons and gratitude, and re-energize you for your next level of success.  You'll get the clarity to know where to start, and loving butt-kick to keep you going (without the overwhelm, negative self-talk or turning you into a #hustlerobot). 


What's Included in this Self-Study Program:

4-Part Training Series

Powerful, download-able training designed to get you review your year, and re-energize faster and easier than ever!

Multi-Media Training

Videos, Audio, Playbooks, and Fillable PDF's for each lesson means that no matter what kind of learner you are, you'll get the most of your lessons.

Learning App

Take your learning on-the-go with our custom app. Grab all your training and do it whenever, whereever you (and your phone) go!

Mind-Blowing Search Function

Got a question? All audio, video & even Goalden Girls Podcast episodes are searchable. That's right - no overwhelm or hours spent searching. Find what you want now.

I’m Lisa - Success Coach, Speaker & Host of Goalden Girls Podcast. 


I'm a mama, a wife, entrepreneur and fellow dreamer who believes that you CAN have it all (no matter what your definition). 


Whether you desire to travel, have wealth, happiness, a career, family, love and a clean house (ha!), it's possible for you. 


And I believe, it starts with crushing your goals.


One at a time.


Join at Today's Lowest Price!

This is your chance to get access for the first time ever for only $47 USD.

"Working with Lisa is nothing short of amazing. She makes me feel so open and so comfortable, which allows me to truly open up and determine what I want, and how I can utilize my capabilities to get it. Thank you Lisa for being so supportive, for helping me discover what my path is, and for helping me create a plan that will allow me to achieve my goals and all of my wildest dreams! You rock!"

Ashley Kay
Entrepreneur - AKVA Services

Say goodbye to wondering IF you can achieve your dreams and say HELLO to the confident woman who faces her fears!

Become the woman who says exactly what she says she will... and achieves her goals.


Join Today




- Instant Access to ALL Modules, PDFs + Training

- Ready-to-implement strategies + challenges

- Simple and profound reflection designed to re-energize and refresh you to CRUSH your goals!




"I can not say enough good things about Lisa. She's amazing at what she does! She's personable, knowledgable and intelligent. She asks the right questions and somehow is gentle but SO effective in her coaching. From just one call, Lisa helped me make a major breakthrough and I can not thank her enough. Her energy and passion are contagious and inspiring. Lisa is so genuine and truly cares about her clients and people in general. I wholeheartedly recommend Lisa and her services. "

Sam Pinksen
Principal/Designer - Samantha Pinksen Design

Reach new levels of success


  • Dream bigger than ever before
  • Learn to CELEBRATE failure
  • Feel motivated and inspired again
  • Get out of your own way
  • Learn how to use goals to TRULY live the life you want

Imagine your life when you....

  • Stop feeling guilty or wondering if you're ungrateful for having bigger dreams
  • Have the courage to face your fears
  • Overcome limiting beliefs to create true confidence
  • Learn how to stay motivated, even in the ups and downs of life

You're ready to REVIEW YOUR YEAR

Join Today




- Instant Access to ALL Modules, PDFs + Training

- Ready-to-implement strategies + challenges

- Simple and profound reflection designed to re-energize and refresh you to CRUSH your goals!




Don't miss out

This is our first time making Your Year in Review Masterclass available to the public...

The truth is, we don't know if or when we'll have it available again.  And chances are, when we do open registration again, the price will be higher. This is your moment!


What Our Clients Say

Kelly is an award-winning entrepreneur who is passionate about healthy lifestyles. She's a master stylist, course creator, wife, mother and Goalden Girl Community member. And after over a decade of saying she'll do it, she's now a top triathalete too! Listen to Kelly's story and get ready to get inspired.


Join Your Year in Review Masterclass

Support, inspiration, and training so you turn your big dreams into reality.

Don't just DREAM IT. Live it.

Looking for more intimate support? Check out our LIVE programs and hop on the waitlist


While Your Year in Review Masterclass is a self-study, go-at-your-ow-pace program, we have to live programs available at different times through the year (including Goalden Girls Community + Goalden Girls Mastermind). 


If you want to learn more, take the quiz to see what Goalden Girls Program is best for you!


((SHHHhhh here's a Sneak Peek)


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